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You looking at me?

Jolanta 9 May 5
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What big ears you have, my dear. Yep.

Spudgun Level 7 May 6, 2020

Reminds me of a girlfriend from when I was young.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 6, 2020

Did you love her very much?

@Jolanta . We were very young, second cousins, 10 or 12. Our parents decided we were too young to be so "friendly" and wouldn't let us see each other ever again. I still think about Carol.

@OldGoat43 Why don't you find her?

@Jolanta Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a woman after you've been separated for 40 - 50 years and they may have been married more than once? It's damn near impossible. Don't ask me how I know this.

@Spudgun No I do not. Never have tried to find a woman after such a long time. I have however tried to find some relatives and that has also to this point been fruitless, but I have no intention to give up either.

@Jolanta. I have found my granddaughter from my deceased son. She is now 22 years old in college. However, Carol was a child living with her parents 65 years ago. Her last name was Cord but there isn't much more for me to look for. I wish we could find each other. I've been married three times and moved around the country many times in many states. She wouldn't be able to find me either.

@OldGoat43 I heard that the Salvation Army has a service where they help you to find lost relatives, etc, etc. At least they have it here in Australia.

@Jolanta . Thanks, I'll ask them.


Oh you are still alive then. Where've ya been?



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