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He who feeds a hungry animal ...

snytiger6 9 June 23
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I have been putting food out for my neighbor's cats that visit my deck. It makes them visit more often which I find entertaining how it pisses off my cats. My cats are well fed, and the boxing the other cats through the patio door is hysterical.

We keep all the cats food inside, because otherwise the raccoons and possums would show up to eat it.

@snytiger6 The food is kept in the pantry. I fill up a dish every day. I don't mind feeding possums, they eat bugs. I'd be Ok with feeding raccoons as well. My kitties stay inside. There is at least one neighbor cat that has been feeding here, maybe another.


My cat is constantly hungry no matter how many times I feed him. Doesn’t matter if it’s the food from my dinner or the kibble from the dog bowl he nonchalantly steals.

Vipyr82 Level 7 June 23, 2021

A case of feline eating disorder, lol?

@TomMcGiverin He’s a little pudgy, but not overly obese. He can still move and run. Never overfeed him.

@Vipyr82 Perhaps he just has a high metabolism.

@snytiger6 I don’t usually let him out, but lizards don’t stand typically a chance against him.

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