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LINK Animal Rescue Saves 30 Cats and Kittens from 'Filthy House' in Iowa |

An animal rescue recently saved 30 felines — a mix of cats and kittens — from dreadful conditions in an abandoned house in Pocahontas County, Iowa.

After receiving a call from local law enforcement for assistance, the Animal Rescue League of Iowa drove two hours from their shelter to the property where the neglected animals were found.

"The cats and young kittens had been left by their owner," explained the nonprofit on social media on Tuesday, "shut in a hot, filthy house, without any food or water."

"They didn't know we were there to save them," the rescue added. "They didn't know their lives were about to change forever."

snytiger6 9 June 30
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Yeah, this happens a lot in my state, Iowa. Mentally ill hermits who are hoarders, that have too many cats and house that is all cluttered. The authorities usually don't find out about the situation until after the person dies and a neighbor calls about them


Happens too often.


Hopefully they will go to homes that will care for them properly. This is a hard time for shelters, tooooo many critters.

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Posted by LaurenIt's my first grand's fifth Gotcha Day and this is her in the arms of my daughter as they drove home.

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