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LINK Vet Tech Introduces Precious 28-Pound Cat and Everyone Is in Love

He's just a baby!

There's just something so magical about a giant cat. People fall so in love with these big boys and it's probably because they almost look like small tigers or lions and who wouldn't want one of those prowling around their house?

The TikTok account for @Apccvet introduced this ginourmous kitty and people can't get enough! Watch the following to see this big baby.
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snytiger6 9 June 20
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Bigger than my dog by 7 lbs ferpetessake......


No, don't want a big kitty. He's beautiful, but I am not sure I could lift him.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by LaurenI thought this was an accurate representation of how we feel every time we remember our last cat, which happens often when my daughter and I laugh over our current cat's antics.

Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Got ya!!!

Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Turkey day cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness

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Posted by ZealandiaFlat Earth theory: the world is flat. Cat Earth theory: the world is cat, and it's playing with Australia.

Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday's cat...Beautiful!

Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

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