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A gofundme for feral care. Even if you can't help, please share! TIA

Hey'all! I'm at my wits end. Every single time I secure funding for the ferals to be spayed/neutered, that money immediately goes somewhere else. Well. now Bruce Wayne is sick. He has been hospitalized with a bacterial infection and he developed chin acne so bad I had to put him in an E-collar. @ $900 a night, I hope he will be home today with only one night hospitalization. Bruce is my baby. He's clumsy and handsome and sweet and was raised by Brodi - a very precious Maine Coon I had for 19 years. Bruce is only 9 and I want him to have many more healthy, happy years.
We had bought a house last year that came with a feral colony. My goals for getting all these ferals fixed was too lofty. Now, we will concentrate on getting the females fixed. We have three queens and one princess. Princess (Tigerlily) is infertile however she gets very distressed when the males come calling so I want to stop that for her too even though she doesn't produce.
And finally - there's me. Arguably, also feral. I had two procedures in May. An ulnar nerve injection with ultrasound guidance and an upper endoscopy with several biopsies of my stomach. All biopsies came back negative!! but I have a $1000 deductible to satisfy and well, I feed ferals so I don't have that kind of money. So here we are - begging strangers, friends and family for funds. I have taken drastic measures to improve our finances and I still cannot get ahead. And as a reminder of my failure, two of our queens are pregnant again because I couldn't get them fixed last month. I am at my wits end and admitting defeat. We cannot do this without your help. We thank you, profusely!!
Kindest Regards,
Becca, Doug & All the Furkids


Druvius 8 June 18
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I through something in the kitty. Good luck. You are a compassionate individual trying to make things better for those around you. The cats would be dealt with in a much less financially burdensome manner in some places. Lucky cats.

PaddyO Level 7 June 18, 2024

Okay, done.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Get yours while supplies last!!!

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Posted by LaurenI thought this was an accurate representation of how we feel every time we remember our last cat, which happens often when my daughter and I laugh over our current cat's antics.

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