When my kids were growing up we had a golden retriever named Chief. When he was 4, we got the Millennium Kitten (she was born in 2000) aka Millie. She was part of an abandoned litter that was fostered by a family with 3 generations of people, and dogs, cats, and other assorted critters. She was extremely people bonded. And she thought she was the boss of Chief as well. And creme puff Chief let her boss him. She would eat out of his food bowl before he got to take a bite. She would play with his tail feathers, and climb all over him. He'd look at me with sad eyes and I'd tell him, "Buddy, she's bite size for you!" He would never stop her, it was adorable. He was the bestest dog ever, and she was my heart cat. I used to nap with Chief against my back and Millie curled up in front of me. Good times.
My sister had 3 cats and my dad had a dog. My dad and my sister lived together after my mother passed. Anyway, the cats were in charge. My dad's dog Teddy III, was a sheltie (alos known as Shetland Sheep dogs or miniature collies). He was bigger, but the cats ruled over him and would sometimes attack his tail, or give him a swat. We called Teddy, an Omega dog. Teddy passed a few weeks after my dad.
The Alpha cat, was a tiny two pound grey cat names Tabby. She was full grown but the size of a five month old regular cat. We joked that Tabby had "Jedi powers", as she would walk up to a door tha led outside, and within a minute, my sister wherever she was in the house would come along and open the door for her, and if my sister was at work, then one of her kids would come along to open the door for her. Sadly, Tabby passed and soon after Rachael and Jango passed as well.
Now, I live with my sister and we have 3 cats in the house again. Sasha, a Calico, Iris, who has fur like a Persian, but has the markings of a Tuxedo cat, and Whiskers who is a very thin silver tabby.
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness