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Animal people are among the kindest ?

808nyx 4 July 18
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Animals are angels. I have four kitties and a dog and they are such good company and so loving. At one time I had up to seven cats in my home...inside cats...and then there are always the strays that I feed and trap to have them neutered. I bring them back and most of them stay here. Life is the best with my furry friends and they constantly is good.

IAmLove Level 7 July 19, 2018

Cat's Rule!


Yes, very true. I also question people who say they don't like animals. It just seems to strange to not like something that will love you unconditionally.

Hmm, isnt that like saying that people who hide behind beards have something to hide? ... And that's not just the women!

@FrayedBear I've never heard that one before. Although, I'm sure we all have something to hide, it's just a matter of how big this something is.


Aren't we tho!

Mooolah Level 8 July 18, 2018

I don't trust anyone who says they don't like animals. Why? And HOW can you not like animals?

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