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Sir help me?

Sheannutt 9 Aug 5
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This made me think of my childhood kitty. She was so sweet and so accepting. My sister dressed her up in baby clothes. This is Cocoa. She was my first heart cat, and the most gentle cat we ever had. When a small child picked her up, she'd go limp. And when that child put her down, she'd head for the hills. She was perfect for a house full of kids.

She looks like China...My cat giving me the High loving and docile...pretty kitty!!!

@RobertNappi2 Her name was Cocoa, she "followed" my brother home from work one evening. She had a close encounter with a car at one point, and after that I was pretty much her human of choice. She would sit on the stairs at 9 pm and meow at me if I wasn't going to bed. My folks thought it was hysterical. She was Siamese, don't know if she was purebred or not. Didn't matter, she was all cat.

My Mom had a black tom cat in the 1930's. He would let her dress him up and push him in a pram.

They weren't commonly neutering cats back then. I can't imagine a giant tom being that calm. But apparently he loved my Mom. ❤


2 damn funny...Luv it!!!


LOL!! love it!

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