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A cat I met on the street in Venice. He was just sitting in the middle of the bustle, looking for some scritches.

Max_d_cat 7 Aug 12
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s/he is beautiful, looks like my baby. How friendly!!


Did (s)he say, "Ciao." "Dov'e via?"

I thought I heard “miao miao miao miao miao,” but maybe it was “ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao.”


Adorable. I'd really love to see Venice myself. Hopefully you had a great trip.

Do it! Definitely get a data plan for your phone so you can have gps mapping or you will be perpetually lost.

@Max_d_cat I would definitely get a data plan for the GPS. It makes it so much easier to navigate.


KEDI film cats of Istanbul. ..a must see for cat advocates....we are fighting the cars that squish cats to death, polluters who poison us all and bigots who pretend black cats are of the alleged bad spirit realms



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