5 10

Most of you know that my roommate (male cat lady) died this past Monday, I was scheduled to go on a trip and have. I was so used to having him take care of all the animals, I managed to forget the CATS. My neighbor feeds them also, so with arranging for my dog to be taken care of, getting packed and getting on the road, I had to take care of a few things by phone. I had to get my ex wife to pick up my mail and put some food out each day for the masses. hopefully the little felines won't eat me when I return.

glennlab 10 Oct 5
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If its any comfort - a coworker of mine arranged for a friend to come feed her cats for the 5 days she would be gone....except she screwed up the dates. So you see where this is going...the cats went 5 days with no additional food beyond what was left in their bowls - no one cleaned out their litter boxes, etc. They were fine. No one starved to death - they were a little cranky, however. 😉 😉

Lavergne Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

I can see you are fretting about them! I hope all is well when you return!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 5, 2018

Sorry about your loss. The kitties will love on you when you get home.

they'll love me when they see food and realize they don't have to find a new home again.

@glennlab Well, that too. My cats wouldn't leave me alone when I got back from a trip. I knew they missed me.


I'm sorry for the loss of your roommate. It's hard on everyone. I don't know what we'd do without the cat guys living beside us (both sides).

pixiedust Level 8 Oct 5, 2018

Hopefully they won’t form a mob and attack, but if they do you can probably hold them off with extra tasty snacks.
I inherited Mattie almost 3 years ago when my roommate at the time passed away.

there's between 7 and 9 depending on the day and bravery, I'll just have to make sure the dog is with me, lol

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