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A question for the ages: does he know I'm sick or does he just want attention?? cough cough sniffle

Melbates 7 Mar 3
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Both may be true


My impression is that they know something is wrong and that it worries them. Wishful thinking perhaps, but...

Zster Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

Cats love to find a warm place to sit / snooze . You're a warm place , even more so if you have a fever . Just enjoy the company .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 4, 2018

Both. He knows you don't feel good and offers comfort (and gets your body heat). Ha !

Duchess Level 7 Mar 3, 2018

You're his litter-mate.


He's being a bestest kitty!

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 3, 2018

I would like to think they are concerned about me, but whenever I get sick my cats start dividing up my property.

Doug Level 5 Mar 3, 2018

Bahahahahhahaa!!!!!! He's my only furbaby so he'd get everything. His name is Smokey and he reminds me of the original Smokey I had for sixteen years of my life growing up. My mother had damn nearly every medical issue you can imagine. Original Smokey, another cat, Freckles, and a rat terrier named Cuddles would flock to her when she was laid up then fight over who got what spot. LMFAO!!!


or is this a time you have to wonder if they really suck the breath out of you?

btroje Level 9 Mar 3, 2018

@SACatWalker isnt there an old myth about that?

@btroje yes, back in, like the 1800's/1900's, you weren't supposed to allow a cat near a newborn because the cat would steal their soul. Lack of understanding. Feline just wanted to know what this squawking miniature human was.

@btroje there was a coroner's inquest that ruled a cat killed the baby. facepalm


@SACatWalker sorry I was just trying to make a joke

@Melbates ya I knew that. People get some strange ideas

@btroje My mother-in-law told me a cat would get into the crib and suck kthe baby's breath away , trying ot get to the milk .

@Cast1es ya that was more alng the lines of what i would hear

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