5 3


Do not enable this cat.

It is a freeloader, beggar and possibly a thief. If you see him, tell him “No!” and send him on his way.

Don’t let him con you.

Rob1948 7 Apr 1
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Sorry he;s sick , but he really doesn't look fat ,

Cast1es Level 9 May 22, 2019

I had a fat girl Maine Coon.
She would climb through people’s open kitchen windows and join them for dinner.
My male Maine Coon RAN through a neighbor’s screen door and ate their cat’s food.
The neighbors laughed about it and welcomed them.

Sydland Level 7 Apr 1, 2019

My daughter has a Maine Coon. They have quite the personality.

@Rob1948 They really do. They’re like dogs.

@Sydland like dogs but better!


My friend's cat is like that.

He will come to me, telling me his human has not fed him yet.

Fat bastard just wants second dinner.

J75243 Level 6 Apr 1, 2019



Hahahahaha.......not guilty........honest!



My phone has decided not to like anything anymore, but this cracked me up!! That sorry at the bottom tied it up perfectly =)

synergy Level 6 Apr 1, 2019


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Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday cuteness

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness

Posted by AppleriverGotta love that sweet little face

Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness...Toe beans!!!

Posted by glennlabNuff said, get yours today.

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