3 13

The matriarch of my feral clan, She is the only one of the survivors that will come over, the others are too traumatized from watching their brothers and sisters be ripped apart by the neighbor's rotwiellers she takes the food out of the bowl before she eats it always has.

glennlab 10 May 23
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Had a cat decapitated by a badger on xmas day. 😟


Can you proved some kind of safe spot for them , that they can get into that the dogs can't ?

Cast1es Level 9 May 23, 2019

I have a raised cat house under my patio cover, but no one has used it in 10 years. If they see the dogs coming they should be able to climb the fence to the neighbor's yard or get on top of their shed. The problem is the cats are not that aware.


Poor kitties.

Talked to my city councilman, and since they are ferals, the only thing they will do is if I trap them(the dogs), they will pick them up, in a couple of days, then fine the owner. they can clear my six foot back fence and the little 4 footer in the front is a joke to them.

@glennlab Oh such a help.

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