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The snow is melting away for now. Don't worry: we're not done here in upstate New York, but two sure signs of early Spring are here: birds are singing and tomcats are prowling around my house. I can smell them and both cats can, too. The other evening, a beautiful caramel-colored male with a big round head and face was sitting on the kitchen porch steps looking for love. All of my pets are neutered, but hope seems to spring eternal with about half a dozen males in the hamlet.
I haven't had the heart to let Lucy, the fierce Jack Russell terrier loose. Actually, I would be a little worried about the dog's chances. I have seen male cats fight when they are aroused.
Signs of Spring! It will snow again later in the week and maybe cool the passion of the tomcats.
Have a great day!

Spinliesel 9 Mar 3
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I heard geese flying overhead Sunday. (Rochester)

Many of the geese land on Metz Pond to sleep at night. I hear their noisy departure in the morning.

@Spinliesel Metz Pond? Never heard of that. I'm near Irondequoit Bay.

@BitFlipper Find a map of Sodus Point. Go due south. Find Metz Pond.

@Spinliesel that would definitely be apple country.

@BitFlipper Yes, indeed. There are 7.2 million apple trees in Wayne County.


Ah ha , so that's why the recent up turn in new e-mail messages !

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 3, 2020

Tomcats ??


Just saw my first fledgling bluejays this morning, it looks like a bumper crop of cat tormentors.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 3, 2020

I can feel spring in the air around here too.

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