7 2

Was at a fast food place today and a horde of people had a baby girl. This kid was a spoiled obnoxious lil shit and would not shut up unless they kept giving her ice cream. By the end they let her STAND AND WALK on the table that people eat on with her disgusting little feet. She was waving at people and her useless breeder opined that her lil spawn was making everyone's day. I felt disgusted on multiple fronts. Why do parents with the most obnoxious and uncontrollable babies or toddlers think their kids are soo bloody cute and endearing to everyone around them?? yughh

demifeministgal 8 Aug 28
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Parents live in their own bubbles. They think everyone likes kids and will put up with their bullshit.

MissaDixon Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

Funny, similar thing happened to me. My buddy, who lives upstair from me, has a year and half old spawn. I have a sunk-in patio, nicely walled in with interlocking stone which levels off with the ground. He visits me and his spawn walked from the grass to the patio glass table, tap dancing away, not a care in the world by it or the father.
He's laughing sooooo happy his spawn is doing this.
Some parents have no clue.

MacStriker Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

Glad your table's ok.


This is a question that plagues my soul. Answer: I have absolutely no idea why these parents think their kids are so cute. I think we've probably all had a similar experience. Sorry for yours 😟

LOL IF I EVER tried to act like that I would have had that smacked out of me. I was never a brat in public trust me.

@demifeministgal No, I meant that we've all had the experience of being around a noisy kid, especially in restaurants. I didn't mean that you were a noisy kid or acted up. Sorry for the confusion.


Unfortunately when people have babies they consider that an amazing accomplishment.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

I know one of those obnoxious but his family thinks he’s perfect kids. He was in preschool last year and they all devices he was so smart (personally I’ve yet to see evidence of this supposed brilliance) but apparently he didn’t do well on his numbers or letters or something and so the teacher they loved at the start of the year (because she thought the kid was cute) was an incompetent idiot by the end. I can’t stand the brat.


Just one more reason I avoid fast food.

Bakunin Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

You got me. If l go to a restaurant and l spot children making noise when l walk in, l ask to be seated as far away as they can seat me.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 28, 2018
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