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How liberal flakes led us to Trump: []

Krish55 8 Aug 9
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Nothing new here. In a nutshell, the majority of the college-educated Boomers, including some former hippies, started selling out in the 80s, becoming self-centered, socially-callous yuppies. As such, they became members of the Coordinator Class, who make up most of the top 10% group of Americans in income and wealth. These people didn't notice or care at all that the super rich in the top 1% started to rob the rest of America of the vast majority of it's income and wealth because their life in the top 10% was so cushy for them and their kids. Nowadays they are starting to see that the economy being run to only benefit the super rich is no longer working in any way that can provide stability and security in the future, even for them. So they are beginning to see that the super rich are more their class enemies than their allies, that is, if they want to live in any kind of peaceful type of democracy instead of a totalitarian police state with only a tiny elite, a small Coordinator class, and everyone else in a Hunger Games underclass.

Great analysis!

@Krish55 I try, thanks...

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