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Republicans Talk Secession After Supreme Court Rejects Texas Election Challenge

After the United States Supreme Court on Friday dismissed yet another baseless attempt by President Trump and the state of Texas to overturn the election results in four states won by Democrat Joe Biden, some prominent Republicans are now suggesting their next move may be secession, or possibly even civil war.

Geez, what the hell is it with Texas anyway? Wonder how much we’d have to offer Mexico to take Texas back? Not that they’d even be interested, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. But, I get it. Losing that election, really hurt Trump and his cult follower’s sensitive feelings.

Hey, wait a minute! I’ve got an idea - maybe we should offer Trump one of those “participation ribbons,” for coming in second? I mean, there’s nothing quite like a nice, shiny, colorful ribbon - to help someone feel better about themselves. Why would a wannabe dictator be any different?

And, if he wanted, Donald Trump could even spin up one of those famous yarns of his, about how he was awarded that ribbon, for helping Gen. George Washington and the Continental Army surround the British at Boston’s Logan International Airport. Hell, Trump’s supporters would never know the difference.

So, the situation is, Trump loses a legitimate election, and then tries to steal it away from the winner, by making bogus election fraud claims. Then, all the courts, including the Supreme Court, rule against him, and then suddenly all the red states decide they want to secede and form their own country. OK, I get it, but what’s the downside?

Anyway, if these folks are really serious about seceding, I think I have just the thing for them. Word has it that Jeffrey Epstein's old sex-slave island might be up for sale - and at a good price too. Why, I can’t think of a more appropriate place to form the new nation of Trumplandia, can you? Of course, until then, I guess all the folks like the Proud Boys, will just have to remain on “stand down and stand by” status.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 12
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Go for it , those are red states and let's face it blue states are supporting them. Bye Bye.

vnufall Level 7 Dec 12, 2020

I wish Texas would secede. The only thing the rest of our country would miss is the oil money.


I would be thrilled to give them Missingpee & Lousyanna, hell, throw in Lamebama, get some big trucks to transport sections of The Wall, and some really mean & conscienceless border guards to permanently remove any of their children should they try to sneak back in.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 12, 2020

Sounds like I'll have to go underground if Oklahoma does that.

Lorajay Level 9 Dec 12, 2020

I can't get what I want so I am taking my ball & leaving, waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 12, 2020

Lololololololololol...let'em try..Again! I suspect it'll end the same. They'll Lose. Again, only this time there will be no reconciliation, and retribution will not be nice..

Charlene Level 9 Dec 12, 2020

Time to turn the old adage around - Love it or leave it, it ain't yours to keep.


They need to understand the the left knows how to shoot as well. Trump needs to be removed

Canndue Level 8 Dec 12, 2020

Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.

Arrest the ring leaders and start with Trump!


Stand back and stand by.


I love the idea of a participation trophy for Trumpturd coming in second! AOC should deliver it!


Didn't work the last time, basically treason

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 12, 2020

Thankfully he was shuit sown, now we just have to worry about military action

glennlab Level 10 Dec 12, 2020

I frankly expect to see numerous Timothy McVeigh type reactions. Many of these half-wits swear they won't take this "lying down," and are ready to die to defend "freedom."

@johnnyrobish I hope they all die defending freedom.

@johnnyrobish there will definitely be some crazy acting out.

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