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The granddaughter of a holocaust survivor wrote this (no other identification is available, but twitter made her take it down):
Nazi's are people.
Nazis are human beings.
They were young once, they have parents. Many are parents or will be. They have dreams, they have feelings. They have human bodies, they sleep. They get sick. They age.
And they still deserve to be shot.
That's very fucking important.

Theresa_N 8 Jan 10
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One can substitute the word "murderer" for "Nazi", or substitute any other description of a vile human, The fact that the substituted pronoun does certain things in no way makes that person better.

Alienbeing Level 8 Jan 10, 2021

I wouldn't advocate for killing, or "shooting" in this case, all murderers, but nazis and neo-confederates are more than that. They hate a host of people, beating up people and generally terrorizing the vulnerable. All facts would be determined by their views including scientific fact. As Karl Popper (? Or was it someone else?) said "if you're tolerant of intolerance, all tolerance will be outlawed" or words to that effect. They'd put eugenics in place, sterilizing minorities. I have personal experience with this because my dad confessed to me that he had sterilized young women against their will at a correctional facility in the '50s. He was a nazi sympathizer.

@Theresa_N You missed my point, but this is not worth additional discussion.


Or introduced to a Louisville slugger at the very least..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 10, 2021

While Germany no longer kills it's nazis, it does imprison them. And nearly everything pro-nazi is banned, including media/social network companies. They don't tolerate nazis or nazi-ism any more. I don't think we should either. They didn't go far enough in Germany after WWII, they should have executed and imprisoned more of them. There wouldn't even be how many there are now if they had done that.

@Theresa_N I don't think there's a correlation between the number of Nazis who were executed and the number that there are now, but if we began executing the current lot, there would be fewer.

@Theresa_N We should have publicly executed All the The traitors of the Civil War. Starting with Robert E. Lee..

Yes, we should have @Charlene.

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