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It is sad that the Guard in DC have had to be vetted even as they are deployed. There has been chatter about a possible insider attack.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 18
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He's right. We really cannot trust police and military after the events of nearly two weeks ago. All of them, all across the country, should be checked to see if they are sympathetic to far right causes and those that are should be fired and banned from being either police or military. The "constitutional sheriffs," those that believe they are the highest law enforcement in the country, should be the first banned.

Theresa_N Level 8 Jan 18, 2021

Without a doubt there has been infiltration

I trust the military more than the police. They do a better job weeding out the shit holes. Not all, but many of those "past military" at the riot were washouts, like the QAnon shaman - 2years in the Navy and out as an E2 means he SUCKED. I'm not saying there aren't any, but far from the infiltration of the cops. The female airforce officer from Virginia who was arrested was being pressed out of the military and had tendered her resignation. She may, and I hope so to the fullest - a year in Leavenworth- be prosecuted by the military on other charges as her resignation had bit been processed yet and she was still in.
tRump was trying to build a military loyal to him, not the Constitution. Hopefully, the officers who will lead now will continue to weed out the slime.
As far as cops are concerned, they all, every last one, need to be reevaluated and fired if any bs is there. Better than minimum requirements need to be structured and maintained. Ad a teacher and as a counselor, I had certain responsibilities I couldn't just throw out - "Well, that student wouldn't listen, so I sat his ass down and whooped some sense into him." A teacher says that, they get fired. Replace student with suspect and teacher with cop, then tell me - WTF happens to the cop?

Part of the problem with cops is their lack of a liberal education. They aren't taught the things they need in the police academy or in high school. They should have a bachelors in counseling or social work in order to deal with the things they encounter every day and to teach them that oppression isn't part of their jobs. This is what "defunding the police" was all about. Getting the people who know how to deal with the things out into the streets dealing with the homeless, the addicts, and the domestic disturbances that they encounter every day.

@Theresa_N totally agree. But it feels like we need a mix of skills. I liken it to old time hockey. You need a team of really talented sportsmen, but also one or two enforcers for when things got out of hand.
Unfortunately police forces ( not all, but the most publicized) tend to lead with the enforcers....

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