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Biden Claims Trump Too Erratic to Receive Intelligence Briefings

In an interview with CBS Evening News, President Biden indicated that he feels former President Donald Trump should not be given access to those classified information briefings usually given ex-presidents, given Trump’s “erratic behavior” and the risk that he might recklessly reveal sensitive information.

So, what’s the big deal anyway? I mean, why bother wasting "intelligence" on someone who basically has none? Hey, I got an idea. Why, if I were Biden, in lieu of “intelligence briefings,” I’d switch them out with “stupidity briefings” instead. Hell, he’d never know the difference - as long as the briefings had lots of colorful pictures in them.

Besides, Trump will always have plenty of nice folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and the MyPillow guy - to tell him most everything he wants to hear. Why, he don’t need no stink’n “intelligence briefings!” Hell, Rudy Giuliani’s QAnon briefings are much more his style anyway.

The truth is, Trump rarely took any interest in intelligence briefings at all. That said, even though Trump has no real interest in US intelligence, that doesn’t mean it is entirely worthless to him. Why, I’m sure his old pal Vladimir Putin might like hearing all about it. Putin seems to really enjoy all that stuff.

And, for those of you thinking how unfair Biden is by not sharing intelligence with Trump, then try and remember back to Hurricane Dorian, when Trump tried to alter a hurricane map with his sharpie, just to make a political point. Question is, if the guy can’t even be trusted with a frigg’n weather map, can we really trust him with national security? Sadly, apparently almost half the country thinks so.


johnnyrobish 8 Feb 8
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No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 8, 2021

They should feed him false Russian info and have the FBI watching.


He shouldn't have received them As president..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 8, 2021

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