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Fox News Blames Chick-fil-A Sauce Shortage On Joe Biden

The Fox News website has just published an investigative article, placing the blame for an anticipated Chick-fil-A sauce shortage - squarely on the shoulders of “Joe Biden’s America.” This, after Chick-fil-A announced that some of their restaurants may face a sauce shortage, due to the recent “Colonial Pipeline cyber attack.”

Wow, who could have imagined that Colonial Pipeline was also delivering Chick-fil-A sauce? Kind of scary to think that something of such strategic importance as Chick-fil-A sauce, could be affected by a bunch of hackers. Oh, the humanity! Hell, everyone knows when Trump was in charge - America had a tartar sauce surplus!

That said, I think I have a pretty damn good idea how this all comes down. See, Barack pulls right up to Chick-fil-A in this brand new George Soros “Antifamobile” and pops open the trunk - then Joe quickly runs out to the car and dumps his stash of Chick-fil-A sauce right into the trunk - and off they go. Some mighty slick operators these two!

Anyway, as devastating as this Chick-fil-A sauce shortage may be to Trump-Americans, I have to admit this isn’t gonna personally affect me very much at all. That’s because I always seem to go for the sauces that aren’t being delivered through petroleum pipelines - but that’s just me. I’ve always been kinda “picky” like that.


johnnyrobish 8 May 14
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As Fox "news" stretches the envelope of believable fantasy, they're taking their disciples into ever-wilder territory. Eventually, they will stop wearing shoes because shoes are a liberal hoax.

BitFlipper Level 8 May 14, 2021

I stopped eating at that place years ago due to the owners stance on LGBTQ, Americans.

me too

@whiskywoman I’ve told many why I won’t eat there and a few didn’t know about the stance of the owner and joined me in my protest. 😉


That sauce was featured in bulk, an entire shelf, eye-level, at Walmart Tuesday, as a "new product". Obviously they have diverted truck-loads of the stuff to grocery shelves.
But, Darling Tucker has no doubt ever bought his own groceries......

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 14, 2021

Incredibly stupid but that's Fox news for you

bobwjr Level 10 May 14, 2021

If Hannity or Fucker Cowson cut their finger opening a tin of Kitty chunks for the fox studio cat, they would produce a twenty minute think piece on how inferior tin cans, greedy moggies and faulty tin openers are all the fault of democrats and Biden in particular.


Fux will try to blame Anybody for shortages. A.O.C is next up..🤣🤣🤣

Charlene Level 9 May 14, 2021

I would boycott Chick-fil-a, but I don't like their food, so I never eat there.


I've never had Chick-fil-a & have no idea what this sauce is, but I think it's amusing that the R's blame Biden when the tRump-pony cut back on cyber-security, fired his top man in the field when he stated the elections were secure & anything more that Twitter was too much for him.(As witness his "blog" ).
Cyber-security is a pressing matter, as are numerous other things right now, but baseless finger pointing just to score cheap points really does nothing but keep that "base" simmering. Let's see if they can keep it up for the next 2-4 years.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 14, 2021

Trump cut cybersecurity and so much more. He fired the 3 "spies" we had in China, doctors working with WHO. Had they been there at the pandemic outbreak, we would have known the truth sooner. Of course, knowing now what tRump's response would be, it may have not mattered.
I haven't eaten at a Chickk-fillit in 35 years, once they started to politicize their godliness. They can fuck off. I know a little Jamaican place with better tasting and healthier jerk chicken anyway.

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