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Video Shows Matt Gaetz Threatening 2nd Amendment Retaliation Against Silicon Valley

While speaking at a rally in Dalton, Ga, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla) complained that Silicon Valley is acting like the “internet’s hall monitors,” trying to “suppress us, discourage us.” Gaetz then immediately added that “Well, you know what - Silicon Valley can’t cancel this movement, or this rally, or this congressman.” He then sent the crowd to its feet in a roaring round of applause and a standing ovation - when he said “We have a 2nd Amendment in this country, and I think we have an obligation to use it!”
Why, who knew Matt Gaetz disliked technology companies so much? Gee, you’d think he’d at least be a little bit grateful for technologies like Venmo. I mean, after all - didn’t they see to it that he could quickly and conveniently reimburse all the women (and/or high school girls) for those “services” they rendered for him?

That said, I get that Republicans are really, really mad at big-tech, and “they ain’t gonna take it no more!” In fact, I think I may have a great 2nd Amendment idea for them. Why, I think Matt and his Republican pals ought to grab a few of those guns of theirs - and just shoot the living hell out of their computers, tablets, and cellphones. Why, if that doesn’t show those big-tech bozos who’s the boss, I don’t know what will!

Now, you can say what you want about old Matt, but you must admit he’s been making every effort to “reach out” to our nation’s young people. In fact, seems all this “tough guy talk” has apparently made him quite popular with the high school girls. Anyway, this Dalton talk was apparently his patriotic “Give me liberty, or give me jail time for paying an underage girl for sex” speech. Well, he’d better hope it works, or else he’ll likely become like that old cliché “see you later alligator, after while pedophile!”


johnnyrobish 8 May 29
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Just another Republican scumbag. You know, many people say, “there are good Republicans”, and I would LIKE to think so. But where are the good ones? They should be censoring their wacky nut cases.

KateOahu Level 8 May 29, 2021

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