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New Atheists: The right-wing grifters that promote war []

Krish55 8
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New atheism should only be about being a loud and proud free thinker. How it’s been high jacked by the far right to attack cultural leftists is unfortunate & counterproductive to inclusivity & discussion, which should be paramount!

Julianrpe Level 3 Feb 12, 2022

Glad for you, good luck


I used to be such an ardent fan of Harris. I can't tell if it's how he's progressed over time or if it's what I've become more aware of, but he was the figure in New Atheism that I admired most, followed closely by Hitch.

Greytheist Level 3 July 20, 2021

You never lived in California then... Harris is corrupt to the core.


Grifters to the left of me grifters to the right and in all the iniquity no sign of god.

No money to be made grifting for the left in America! But I guess this song was made for you:

@Krish55 Tell that to Hillary and Blowjob Bill... Her latest scam was to use money from sources like one of Trump's favorite golfing buddies to malign Nina out of a seat in congress just like she put Cumhoe into office so he could sexually harass women....


The first time I have heard the term "new atheist"The article reads like a desperate attempt at making a story out of nothing.

Moravian Level 8 July 6, 2021

It's been around for a long time.

@Krish55 So it's not new then 😉

@Moravian They like to think of themselves as new...

@Krish55 Do they ?. Are you a mind reader then ?. The term was first used in 2006 by journalist Gary Wolf to describe authors such as Harris and Dawkins. A meaningless term really.


@Moravian You do know that one can deduce mindset from a person's writing?

@Krish55 "It's been around for a long time."
So has congenital idiocy hasn't it?... You do know that term is one that the Fundamentalist Christians started using in order to malign people who speak out against their brand of insanity right?...


This has been an ongoing & disheartening trend, as most of these "icons" & authors were instrumental in clarifying my views on atheism & anchoring them in reason & logic. I've seen Harris speak (w/ Dillahunty {& there's some issues w/ AXP & the ACA even, sheesh!}) & found him cogent & entertaining. Then the racism started that went beyond just a condemnation of Islam, which I could understand to a large extent. At that same forum Krauss was scheduled to speak, but was bumped as it was just when his ASU scandal was breaking.
Dawkins & Pinker are troubling to me as I just didn't see it coming at all. Shermer & Silverman both seemed to have ego issues, but you'd think they'd know better than to think they could take advantage.
Lesson seems to be, just like w/ actors, musicians, etc, one has to separate the work from the person, & even be able to ditch the work if it goes off the rails. Very disappointing, tho.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 5, 2021

Yes, it has been an education reading the posts of other atheists. It convinces me that belief in god is not the main driving force of evil in this world.

Theresa_N Level 8 July 5, 2021

Even some atheists are terrible people as we all know.

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