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Trump Wanted To Send Murderers and Rapists to Cities Democrats Controlled

Former Department of Homeland Security official Miles Taylor told “Rolling Stone” that former President Donald Trump wanted to "punish" his political opponents in cities that Democrats controlled, telling Homeland Security official Taylor “I want you to get the worst of the worst - criminals, actual murderers, and actual rapists - who cross the [southern] border, and round them up.” Taylor said that Trump “did not want to expel them, which is what you’re supposed to do in those situations,” but instead “He specifically said that he wanted us to put them on buses - to, and I quote, ‘destabilize’ those sanctuary cities.” Trump had specifically targeted Los Angeles, Portland, Chicago, and New York City.

Oh, I get it! Trump told them “I want you to get the worst of the worst criminals, actual murderers, and actual rapists who cross the [southern] border.” OK, but my question is, exactly how would you do that? Ask them to fill out a form with a list of crimes and have them just check all the boxes that have crimes they’ve previously committed? Sure, that sounds like it’ll work.

To be honest, I’m actually rather surprised Trump didn’t try to hire some of these “criminals, rapists, and murderers” for his own Trump Organization. Hell, when you think about it, and given their history, they’d already be right in sync with the Trump Organization’s “corporate goals and policies.” Hardly any training needed whatsoever, other than learning how to properly kiss Trump’s huge orange ass.

Meanwhile, Fox News host Tucker Carlson just spoke at the funeral of Sonny Barger, the longtime president of the Hells Angels. It was all quite touching as Carlson portrayed the murderous, drug-dealing gang as just a bunch of fun-loving motorcycle enthusiasts.

That said, I suspect these biker gangsters aren’t gonna be all that happy after they learn they just missed out on free trips to Martha’s Vineyard, because Carlson’s pal Ron DeSantis “affirmative actioned” all the seats off to a bunch of immigrant minorities! What’s up with that?

Anyway, what hilarious jokesters these Republicans are - tricking desperate migrants onto “buses” and then just shipping them out somewhere without warning. I guess “shoving them into boxcars” would’ve been a wee bit too obvious, even for Trump MAGA sycophants - so they went with buses.

Of course, the truth is Republicans don’t really want to stop immigration. They just want everyone to “hate immigrants,” so they can exploit them for their own political gain. But other than that, they seem like very nice people.

Now, I don’t know about any of you, but I actually aged in dog years during the Trump presidency. In fact, I am now a 107-year-old man, and should Trump somehow manage to get reelected, I expect to set human aging records. So, I’ll at least have that going for me.

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johnnyrobish 8 Sep 29
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The Dog Years thing is Perfect

AnneWimsey Level 9 Sep 29, 2022

Thank you, Anne!


Sounds about right for Trumptydump..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 29, 2022

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