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Ukraine shells civilian refugee caravan with children, clearly marked. To add to the atrocity afterwards they attack with small arms. 30 poeple killed. Clarifing their true nature. 12eople rescued by near by Russian troops. This is eastward within the area western medias have been falsely glorifying Ukraine troops of retaking after Russian troops pulled out. Citizens fleeing the oppression of Azov. This gives the potential of another region who could ask for referendums to join the Russian federation. For updates go to and click on the hamburger then the live links. If you want a more realistic view of the war and effects it's having on Europe and Africa.

William_Mary 8 Sep 29
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Really, not just using the "women & children" fake thing to move arms?
Doubt, exactly, did any "women & children" end up there?


Source and date of incident please, since on the information given the only similar incident took place in April of this year when Russian forced killed thirty Ukrainians refugees

and I can find no mention of this story on

It was being reported on their live news yesterday and I told you how to find it. Their news plays at the top of every hour between the documentaries they show until around late afternoon when documentaries play for approximately 4 hours. News at the top of the hour begins being updated around 9pm.

Currently, since Feb most of he documentaries have been work by primarily independent journalist and film makers covering the war in the Donbass regions.

Again, 2 ways to find them are to add RT's free app to your TV if you have such a compatible TV. Click the RT box at the top left for live coverage, or the talk shows they also have. I highly suggest watching Cross Talk as one of my favorites. Or go to on any device and click on the red live button on the top of the page. If you add the app to a phone or tablet like I use while working, there's a stack of lines on the top of the page on the left I believe, which will open options. I understand that stack on lines is called a hamburger? Click on live and it should also give you a schedule of the days news and documentaries.

Kiev shells refugee convoy killing over 30 people including children


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