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Gaza and the West Bank will be history by March 2025. Those people that thought that Biden was bad are in for a rude awakening. The first foreign leader to call Trump to congratulate him way Bibi. I hope I'm wrong.

glennlab 10 Nov 6
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Both Israel and Ukrainian outcomes will be the same regardless of who heads the USA. If anything, Trump may end Ukraine quicker but I think that will be over by Jan 20th regardless. Israel could well be the same.
I'm thinking Trump is more willing to sacrifice Bibi as part of any deal, more so than the current admin or Harris would have been.
My worry with Trump is Venezuela, I can see him attempting to take over that country. He rattles the Israeli Sabre against Iran but as Iran have just entered into a defense pact with Russia, think the boffons at the Pentagon would talk him out of that one, as they did talking Biden out of long range weaponry for Ukraine..
No-one wants direct confrontation between the USA and Russia as we all lose.

From a world geopolitical angle, I woke up more optimistic than I have for a long time this morning. But we are talking Trump eg there is no given what he will do on the international stage. Domestically he has stated what he intends which is American's concern, not mine.

puff Level 8 Nov 6, 2024

You think Trump will try to take over Venezuela. Why? They broke from Columbia and many thought Maduro was a Christian. He became that same sort of dictator that Trump wants to be. Why would America be taking over Venezuela?

@DenoPenno Something to do with the world's largest oil reserves, more than Saudi Arabia.


I still haven’t processed last night’s tragedy yet. This site helped keep me sane during the pandemic, and when I click on various posts I get the welcome wagon. I’m glad your posts still work.

Yeah the new reality of Trump 2.0 and his pal Bibi unleashed upon Gaza, the West Bank, Iran etc is going to get ugly fast I fear.

Scott321 Level 7 Nov 6, 2024

We have opened the door to threaten the safety of many European countries, and the lives of many, many people. In addition to all of us, of course.

Lauren Level 8 Nov 6, 2024

That door is wide open already

@puff That door was simply cracked open a little compared to what it is now. Now the Ukranians and Palestinians have no chance at all ... and neither do a lot of us.

@Lauren Ukrainian's should have accepted military neutrality thus peace early 2022. The USA/ NATO were always going to cut and run for the mission for them was always to weaken the Russian Federation. A destroyed country with 100's of thousand's dead is the result of rejecting this peace which is Biden 100% and the USA and NATO are now the ones weakened ie a total disaster that Ukrainian's have paid for in blood. Russia was always going to win militarily (pure logistics), regardless who held the US presidency.
The USA is beholden to Israel is a blanket statement, no need to be party affiliated. Their aggression will destroy themselves, aggression enabled by unquestioned US support. If the US tempered Israeli aggression, the nation may have been saved. It is an economic and cultural ruin now.
The Jewish state will fail, to be replaced by a secular one. The people who inhabit the land will be called Palestinians, people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. No religion will be allowed to dominate. Because all religions are incapable of sharing in the Holy land.
Symbolically, the fall of the Israeli experiment is reflective of the fall of the American Empire. Trump will need to find the US's place in a multipolar world.

@puff Putin has been losing power all along and it's only this infusion of military, weapons, and money from Trump that will give him the power to complete what he set out to do, which is to re-absorb Ukraine and use it as a stepping stone to other countries he intends to acquire ... countries which also have a vested interest in keeping Putin at bay. You don't get to decide whether a peoples get to keep their independence and autonomy, and certainly not when they should agree to the euphamistic "military neutrality" just because it's convenient to you.

Thanks in part to Trump, the Jewish state will not fail but will continue being ruled by a madman authoritarian just like we now will.

@Lauren Your information on Russia is not complete. Your point is taken, but why was NATO allowed to decide regarding military alliances? Has it turned out NATO plans to absorb Ukraine has increased European security and peace?
Look at your propaganda eh which is it? Is Putin/ Russia so weak he needs help to win Ukraine? Or is he threatening the rest of Europe?
Can't be both. And with NATO nations depleting their ammo supplies for Ukraine, this tells me they see no Russian threat either. Otherwise they would be stockpiling ammo.


We are all well and truly fucked. And if one more person tells me to think positive, they will get slapped!

I absolutely understand how you feel - I'll slap their other cheek! 😂

I don’t know about the toxic positivity thing, but I’ve been reading up on stoicism and the various behavioral therapies before last night. I need something to keep me sane if not positive. Winter is truly coming now. I have also been reading Katherine May on Wintering for what that’s worth. Fucking hell.

@Lauren Thank you kindred spirit!! 😘

@Redheadedgammy You're very welcome! Each other is all we have left 😊

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