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The Change in Syria

The fall of Damascus and rise of HTS signal a dangerous shift in Syria, deepening regional instability and isolation for Palestine. From Israel to Africa’s Sahel region, what comes next?

After being defeated by Syrian, Iranian, and Russian forces in 2014, the Syrian rebels regrouped in the city of Idlib, not far from Turkey’s border with Syria. That is where the main opposition force broke with al-Qaeda in 2016, took over the local councils and shaped itself as the only leader of the anti-Assad campaign. This group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (Organisation for the Liberation of the Levant, or HTS), is now in charge in Damascus.

Originating directly from al-Qaeda in Iraq, HTS has not been able to shed those roots and remains a deeply sectarian body with ambitions to eventually turn Syria into a caliphate.

Since his time in Iraq and northern Syria, HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani developed a reputation of great brutality toward the large number of minority groups in Syria (specifically Alawites, Armenians, Kurds, Shi’ites), who he regarded as apostates.

Al-Jolani is well-aware of his reputation, but he has remarkably altered the way he presents himself. He has shed the trappings of his al-Qaeda days; he trimmed his beard, dresses in a nondescript khaki uniform and learned to talk to the media in measured tones.


{In an exclusive interview with CNN released just as his forces took Damascus, al-Jolani recalled past murderous acts committed in his name merely as youthful indiscretions. It was as if he had been trained by a public relations company. No longer the al-Qaeda madman, al-Jolani is now being presented as a Syrian democrat.}

Well, as I have exposed here on numerous occasions, networks like CNN and reporters are provided their talking points by public relation firms. I assure you that that interview was well rehearsed before it took place. And well edited to make the best deceptive false perception they could manufacture.

{Another friend reminded me that there was calm in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government in 2003; several weeks later, the insurgency began. Could such an insurgency of former government forces take place in Syria after they have recomposed from their state’s hasty fall?

It is impossible to know what the social fabric of the new Syria will be like given the character of the people who have taken power.

This will be especially true if even a fraction of those seven million Syrians who were displaced during the war return home and seek revenge for what they will surely see as the mistreatment that forced them overseas.

No war of this kind ends with peace. There are many scores yet to settle.}

I posted a couple videos since, No calm present. Executions were taking place immediately after. Gruesome sights. Publicly beaten, then shot. Public humiliation, then shot. Dragged by vehicles by the neck to death, after death. Large crowds, even with children present, cheering on the gross festivities of murderers. Communities lost to grotesque inhumane atmospheres. There's no peace what soever in Syria. There's a major radical terrorist caliphate building in Syria today that will be well worse than what was even seen in Iraq.

{Without detracting attention from the Syrian people and their well-being, we must also understand what this change of government means for the region and the world.

Let us take the implications sequentially, starting with Israel and ending with the Sahel region in Africa.}

I'll let you go into that above in the article on your own. Below are my own comments and conjectures.

Christians today live in fear! Seeking a way out knowing their fate! All of the west have left them defenseless! The same fate seeks the Jewish, those within the Judaism faith in Syria. No matter what type of relationship that may be formed with Israel will it help them either. It has already been reported that al-Jolani has ambitions to confront Israel in regards to the Palestinians. Which is why Israel basically wiped every bit of Syria's military structure and weaponry off the face of the planet, left in ruins. What ever you hear from western media, know it's a facade to hide the fact that what is happening in Syria today is a pure attempt to manage some type of control over a festering killing field of multiple slaughters, mass murders, and control it from becoming the knowledge of the world citizenship.

The west and Israel basically replaced a construct that was a dissident of their foreign policies for other dissident groups. Refusing to relinquish their resources and societies. What ever did anyone think, who was actually paying attention, would happen after funding and weaponizing a manufactured enemy being used against another manufactured enemy? At end, they're still an enemy, when ideology and religious beliefs don't match, aren't tolerated. It has been a recycled agenda for decades that has never gone well for any the targeted nation.

What ever you think about Assad, know this. He was ruling over basically the same environment as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. Each having fallen into relationships with the west that resulted in victimizing characteristics of the west becoming betrayed. Basically due to interfering constructs built around them. Each having multi cultured societies and prosperous societies to a significant degree. The same can be said about Afghanistan actually before the 80s. Look at all of these countries now! They're festering killing fields that withhold multiple layers of crimes against humanity on every level. Name any crime and it now basically exist in these places on a significant scale! The only exceptions may be Iraq and Afghanistan where the vast turmoil has subdued, but it once was the same and still exist to a degree.

We don't get reports from these regions as we should. They have become media controlled for a number of years now. Large parts of these countries are like North Korea, information just doesn't get out. The same will come in the case of Syria as even the false manufactured information will eventually decease to exist also. Currently now playing a major role within a distraction from what has happened in the West Bank and what's going on in Gaza. The West Bank has become overtaken by Jewish settlers and the military, and Gaza is being pummeled into a free for all killing field at will. Starved to death and deprived of water in the mean time while waiting for the next bomb to drop or next sniper shot. Death by drone.

Women and children fear not. You have the same rights to a death as your men, fathers and brothers. Absolutely no one is denied this right! Soon, no one will be left to bury you. No one will have the energy to bury you. Care to bury you. Why rot in the open? Step right up and kneel before the large hole that awaits you.

William_Mary 8 Dec 24
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