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We Live In A Nightmare

Awakening from the propaganda matrix is like being a conservative: you’re frequently disgusted with society and where it appears to be headed. But unlike a conservative, you’re disgusted by actual problems instead of imaginary nonsense.

When you take the blinders off, you’re not able to ignore that stuff anymore. You’re acutely aware that unfathomable suffering is always being unleashed by your rulers upon foreigners whose lives matter just as much as yours does, and that atrocities are being inflicted in your name which are just as horrific as they would be if they were happening in your neighborhood.

Many rightists warn urgently that our society is on the verge of plunging into a nightmarish authoritarian dystopia, but if you’re truly unplugged from the indoctrination of the empire you understand that the dystopia is already here, and has been for a long time. The overwhelming majority of the people in our society are already thinking, speaking, working, shopping, spending, voting and behaving pretty much exactly how the ruling class wants them to. If they put microchips in our brains which allowed them to fully control our minds, they’d have us moving around in more or less the same way we’ve been moving for generations. We are seeing increases in authoritarianism as our rulers tighten their grip on power, but those measures are being rolled out to keep the current system in place, not to create a new one. They’re not changing anything about the prison, they’re just installing better locks on the doors.

The way people in your life mindlessly regurgitate war propaganda about this or that empire-targeted nation. The way movies and TV shows manufacture consent for this hellscape. The way almost every product you interact with came into your life through depraved acts of international exploitation. The way none of the artists you’ve admired seem remotely interested in truth or justice, serving up nothing but vapid distraction in pretty shapes. The elections. The advertising. The phoniness. The way everyone’s always running around in circles frenetically trying to avoid experiencing even one single moment of true sincerity.


Apparently the better system of locks is already upon us also. And has been successful. Over the years a reoccurring question has slipped from my typing. What does it take for the vast majority of the citizenship to become awake? The past 2 years should have surely been enough to support the awake movement. Where even the Iraq and Afghanistan wars weren't enough, the past 2 years should have served as the exclamation mark. Yet here we are engulfed within the worst humanitarian crimes possible within the past 2 years under every aspect mentioned in this piece, and the results remain the same. Compliance.

William_Mary 8 Jan 5
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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