10 5

Don't it kinda make you feel proud, or at least intelligent, to know that most Christian evangelicals support, POTUS, although he seems to have violated "Christian Principals", as a routine ?
Man, that's hypocrisy ! 😉

jtnewman 4 Mar 3
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Intelligent?? Relative to these willing fools for Trump. But "proud?" No, just disgusted and dismayed that that many willingly stupid people exist to gift a documented scammer as Trump. Incidentally, White evangelicals were his largest demographic, but I don't blame the religion. The blame rests squarely with their love of "White" identity. In other words, it is their bigotry he appeals to. The religion is just a reinfor ing tool, not the droving force. Religion is what the practitioner makes of it, and for these bigots, it gets conveniently reshaped to reflect that. Trump merely tapped into this racist appeal and has milked it for all he's worth. Oh he is a racist, to be sure, but he is first an opportunistic con man.

Sorry for the typos. Can't seem to access "edit" on this one. ?


Idiots think cavemen fought dinosaurs because world is only 10000 years old according bible wich is not a science book

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 4, 2019

Well, the end times doctrine didn't work out for them. People got tired of waiting. Now it's prosperity, which seems to be working out for the kind of Christians that Trump actually knows. They have the same goals. Paula White and Joel Osteen are some kind of wonderful.

Isn't Osteen the "Christian" who refused to allow hurricane victims into his church ? 😟


It has everthing to do with his Whiteness..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 3, 2019


@jtnewman they're racist..he's white ..just like them..


It is unbelievable how the Christians and cons have come to approve anything that Trump says down to the lies. The new tax code is out there and people that depended on getting some money back, now have to pay for the tax cut to the richest people. The government has to run so if they cannot get the money they need to repair roads, etc from the rich, guess who else is out there. Yes, it is you and me. I am in Canada but I have to watch if they start to deduct money from my Social Security as not even that is safe anymore with him in power. I wonder how Trump's supporters are going to swallow the tax pill this year. April 15 will come and there will be a lot of cheating on those taxes so they don't have to pay on top of what has been deducted from them.


My primary emotion on this matter is great sadness - how delusional these theists are - how their decision making ability is greatly degraded. How their decisions effect not only themselves but the rational people that must share the mess they are making.


Yep, funnymentalists can rationalize just about anything when it comes to trump and their god.....


The whole Trump thing, the lies, criminal wrongdoing. violating the Constitution, and being chummy chummy with Russian intelligence to manipulate the 2016 election has to fall one way or another, Trump makes profits out of deals he has with other countries when he should have divested himself from such deals. The presidency is being used to enrich himself and his family. He has a bad case of nepotism which is also a violation of the Constitution. Christianity and hypocrisy, play very well together. That is one of the reasons I broke ranks with Christianity when I was a kid in Catholic schools.

Kash, Agree with your assessment ! The "crime family", (The Don, and his Capo's), have violated the constitution, the ten commandments, and more. I'm afraid that the truth, if and when it's available, may be as ugly as I fear ! Our nation is in distress !


I lived in New York from 1987 to 2006 and used to watch Trump on TV, read about him in New York Post, followed his life, deals, divorces, interviews etc. Not even once I saw, read about or even heard a mention of he ever went to a church or what church he belonged to. He is a chameleon. He changes colors to fit the opportunity on hand. He is a master of manipulation especially of media and has strong narcissist tendencies.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 3, 2019

amen ! 😉

I also lived in NYC from 1980 to 2005. I live now in Canada and I am grateful I made that decision. More for my daughter than for me. I have developed ailments and conditions that if I had been in the US I would have ended up homeless but here we all chip into our national medical plan. Is it perfect? ,NO. Did it save my life, YES. And I am in pretty good health now, I owe a debt of gratitude to Canada although I also chipped in through my work until now that I am retired and getting Social Security. I have read about Trump for years. All his life he has been used to deal with scumbags and that is how he treats people unless there is something for him in it. He lies like it is the most natural thing to do. He is in the construction business and with that I say it all. Who runs the construction business? Apart from this I like just one thing about Trump. He fixed the Wolman Skating Rink in Central Park because the city had union fights on who does what and other [problems and could not get their act together. Trump came in and fixed it and I was able to walk to the rink and skate. Other than that he is a scumbag


He has them wrapped around his little pinky

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