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Why are the the western countries silent and blind against what Saudi Arabia do and why they do not take action against the Saudi Arabia the same they do against countries like Venezuela and Iran?

I am from one of the eastern countries ( Afghanistan) and most of the users in this website are western born individuals, I have been asked this question many times by lots of people from Afghanistan and other Asian countries, as we know Saudi Arabia has Islamic dictatorship kingdom system, which is not an acceptable system in 21st century, you may have seen the video which shows the authorities were beheading in public on the streets in Saudi.
Just couple of months ago women were not allowed to drive, and now they can not step out of the house without a male guardian, in addition Saudi is accused of supporting terrorist groups like Al qaeda and Taliban, and we have the Yemen war on the other hand, people are starving to death because of the war leading by Saudi and Iran, but still we hear nothing from the western countries to critics the system or overthrow, why they do not want to establish democracy in Saudi Arabia the same they have been doing with other countries like Libya, Syria and Iraq?
I wonder what you guys think about? have you ever thought about it?

NR92 6 May 22
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"Follow the money."

JacarC Level 8 May 31, 2019

It's all about the oil..

Charlene Level 9 May 22, 2019

In the UK the Labour Party is constantly criticising the government's double standards with regard to Saudi Arabia but the arms industry has a lot of influence with the governing Conservatives

CeliaVL Level 7 May 22, 2019

It's strictly unenlightened self interest. The US government believes its self interest is in Saudi Arabia having the government they do and that Iran's and Venezuela's are against our interests. The US is not interested in justice or fairness.

Theresa_N Level 8 May 22, 2019

OIL! They really control the price of oil on the world market.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 22, 2019

Wahabbism is the worst export from the Saudis. The US government has long been hypocritical in its actions. I expect little to change over time. I know from personal experience that the US military prefers to hide certain things from some allies - including the Saudis and the Turks. There are many places in the Mideast where Americans would be welcomed by the majority of people, if not for certain of our government's actions. I have no doubt, speaking now of Afghanistan, that if the US had gone in to punish the Taliban and did what it originally did - use the warlords to help, then walked away without trying to maintain control over the entire region, that the people there would be not only better off but more friendly to the US. Yes, parts of the world and many parts of the Mideast are not democracies and that is not something, in my opinion, that our country should try to shove down anyone's throats - it is for the people to rebel and bring for themselves. Something that the people in many countries started a couple of years back - and, the US interfered messing things up in Egypt and in Libya.

Also never forget what they have there: poppies, fields of poppies!! Opium! Now trace the amount of time we have been there and the strayers and the opoid epidemic! The head warload, he does as he pleases, and so just do the trivicta: how many years we have been there and when the opoid epidemic came and why we are really still there!! Just another footnote to these rich people, the strayers, boycott anything purdue, strayer online university and they have been caught and the purdue university they own! Guess what, they have not stopped it nor has the government, so the opoids keep on coming

the strayers did all of it, so boycott them!! Shame, shame! Also why are so many men coming back with those horrid beards?? Riddle me that one?? This disturbs me, men coming back to america with those same beards, what is that all about?? Also new science: the nastiest thing on earth is a man's beard, a dog has fewer germs and is much much cleaner!! Better to kiss a dog than some man with that kind of beard!! So why are they coming back and why all of those ugly beards so popular these days!! Any connection?? One can speculate?

@aahouck49 the opioid epidemic has nothing to do with opium grown around the world. All the opioid products here, in the Americas and Europe, are manufactured with chemicals (think Dow Pharmaceutical and others). The last time (years now) that i checked, the only industrialized nation still making opioid from poppy plants was India. Grown opium is used for heroin production. The evil behind the opioid epidemic are the drug companies, politicians, and some doctors. Few of the addicts start with heroin; quite the opposite, some people turned into addicts then turn to heroin.

Addendum: yes, heroin is a terrible scourge, but still nothing compared to the epidemic foisted upon the country by the drug companies. Don't confuse the two. Research.

@Beowulfsfriend also do research on the Strayers, I know that about poppies and that herion comes from it, so research those Strayers, and what they did, they created the Opiod epidemic, have been arrested for it, so research the Strayers and what they have done, but your comments were also true, but I do know the difference, so I do not confuse anything, but Big Pharma is Big Pharma, evil is evil whomever does it,

it is just so unethical and despicable the things that are done!


You're absolutely correct in your thoughts. It's because of the money. To many here in the U.S. make a ton of money off the Saudi's and they will never upset that apple cart.🤑


Aside from oil and money, I think for some politicians they're viewed as a stabilizing force in a very volatile region so we turn a blind eye to their religious fanaticism and brutality. We couldn't even get our government to admit that an vicious murderer like MBS did anything wrong because it might impact our weapons sales.

jerry99 Level 8 May 22, 2019

how are you doing Jerry? got move yet? how are you? hope all has gone well with the sale of your home and you are on your way! miss our talks. let me know how it is going that way?


It is not very complicated.
The answer is trade, money and regional power.

St-Sinner Level 9 May 22, 2019

Please understand I know what those countries do and esp. Afghanistan, from Alexander the Great, who by the way, got out and did not fight, but married the warlords daughter to save him and then he left you alone, but honestly, read what the British did, over and over again, then the USA comes! It is an outrage and the sorry I feel for what has happened, I cannot express but please know many of us feel nothing but anger at what our government has done!

That beautiful book: Kite Flying! how wonderful it once was, that book just broke my heart!! So I know what you once had, and it was beautiful and your country had/has kind, decent human beings and I know that!!

Also I am well aware of how the Saudi's treat people, esp. women, have been reading expose's given to an american woman, it took her years to gain their trust, but she wrote at least 8 books, based on interviews with women of the Saud family, very high up in the social ranking.

also the attacks on people that are different, enough said, you know what I am talking about, and it is horror!

So, I have been very aware of what has been going on in that country for many many years, and what they have done to the girls and women, but the damage to the boys, what they turn them into, what we do as humans!

Many of us think about it every single day!! We do care and what is wrong with us!!

It is all about greed, influence, power! As hard as it is, we must all still to adhere to the belief that there are more good people in the world than bad!! If Anne Frank can think that after what happened, then maybe just maybe we can really believe it! I do believe it!!

aahouck49 Level 7 May 22, 2019

Ideology and brutality are irrelevant. The issue is subservience to American hegemony. This has been true for all of America's history, and more so as it has become the world's unrivaled military superpower. It has nothing to do with human rights, religion etc.

To learn more about this, look up some of the work of the American professor and public intellectual Noam Chomsky. There are a number of YouTube videos where he captures it well.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 22, 2019

Chomsky, for sure and Reich the economist!! good one, forgot about Chomsky.


Oil .
I have thought of this many x . We most get involve when there is gain for us . Humanitarians of the world my ass .

Pralina1 Level 9 May 22, 2019

Oil and money. Trump mentioned something about not wanting to piss off the Saudi's because we are manufacturing the weapons and don't want to put American workers out of business.

MsAl Level 8 May 22, 2019

Weapons factories are mostly running by machines nowadays, everything is now automated, every day we see jobs are taken away by rich businessmen, the money made by selling weapon does not go to the people's pocket but the rich business owners. I think we will have more jobs globally if we have peace all over the world.

@Noor92 Yes, I wasn't saying it was a good thing. It is absolutely disgusting that we support them by actually supplying the weapons. The money we make off the weapons should not be a reason to let them do whatever bad stuff they do with them. I really don't know as much about it as I should. I just remembered Trump saying something about that after that journalist disappeared. It didn't sit quite right.


It is the hypocrisy of the West, claiming to be the moral arbitrer of the globe and operating as a predator.

They only care about resources.

brentan Level 8 May 22, 2019


JeffMesser Level 8 May 22, 2019

They can get the oil from other alternatives like Venezuela (if they can come to peace with each other), Qatar and other oil rich countries

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