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Trump to the 'Progressive' Congress Representatives: Go back to your country

Donald Trump, told a group of congressional delegates from the Democratic "progressive" faction that they "originally" came from other countries, and it is better to return to their countries and solve the problems there.

Where did his father and wife "originally" come from?

NR92 6 July 15
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You are all standing on Native American land!👍

Let's deport all the bad racist white people here in this illegal United States... starting with Donald Trump!👍


Those people are NOT progressives. They are attempting to change the fundamentals of the US constitution.

Time to read some real history.

JacarC Level 8 July 15, 2019

'Twould be good to address the actual twit, not just the part promoted by CNN,... to support their false news narrative.

JacarC Level 8 July 15, 2019

I don't watch CNN and you should also better not watch Fox News either
because both of them are among biased TV channels

CNN is a part of Comcast which currently controls the media narrative but they are not openly advocating everything that this authoritarian figure in the Oval Office is pushing.
But Fox News haha that is a different story... this was a part of Rupert Murdoch's earliest agendas.
So I guess you just have to reflect on your parents because it was your parents and your grandparents that taught you good moral values right?

When we see CNN pushing live feed and real-time data from Capitol Hill and the Oval Office... we are seeing everything in real time.
Nowhere do we see any open manipulation or propagandists bullshit pushed our way.
Only what is happening in real time.
It's only on Fox News after all the live feed is pushed, you are seeing things and hearing things for yourself.
Fox News jumps on that and totally spins the narrative and directly spews lies to change minds & opinions.
That's the difference between CNN and Rupert Murdoch's Fox Media.👎


Make that his Ganddaddy and All 3 wives..

Charlene Level 9 July 15, 2019

This is a fair question.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 15, 2019

How God Damned much of this Shit are we going to tolerate from this Orange Communist Turd before he is Drug out of the White House in Shackles ? I watched the Watergate Hearings, start to finish, Nixon looks like a Angel in comparison . If there is one Motherfucker that needs to be in.a Cage it is this Orange Pile of Shit .

GEGR Level 7 July 15, 2019

No shit

bobwjr Level 10 July 15, 2019
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