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This first documentary (below) provides the view of a number of independent journalist from around the globe that have had segments of their work embedded into the many documentaries that have been produced over the past few years. "That's why I'm Here" gives details of their accounts and reasoning of ending up in the Donbass regions. It provides examples of how western medias at first attempted to hide the war beginning in 2014, turning truths into lies while lying about truths. Journalist being targeted for exposing truths. There are many more than just in this documentary also who's work have been used in the many produced. Local citizen amateurs and particularly a Canadian journalist I haven't seen on here yet. Still watching though.

This is the most extensive personal appearance I've seen of George Eliason in one yet though. A journalist from the US who has been in the Donbass regions since 2014 covering the mass graves and crimes of Ukrainian forces. Which a number of his appearances are of here. The German journalist has also been a primary appearance on a number of past documentaries. Below I'm posting his own documentary in which have dealt him his own trials in life for exposing the truth. It goes through the various stages of the war beginning with the Maidan protest detailing the false narratives of western medias.

My main purpose for detailing this more than in the write up for these documentaries is to combat the rehearsed repetitive rhetoric of dis/misinformation that often comes from commenter's who absurdly cry Russian propaganda when some of us attempt to provide the information being suppressed from us. RT is an essential resource in getting that information on many levels that many independent journalist count on to serve us the truth. The very fact that these are worldwide journalist is a testimony, quite frankly, that propaganda, as I refer to as merely another term for information, must also be observed to keep from being deceived by those attempting to dictate false realities. We all know it happens. History beats us over the head teaching us this. We should all be adult and intelligent enough to have learned this by now and smart enough to observe other outlets to determine what the truth is on our own. We're currently witnessing the largest information warfare in history today. We're existing a 20 year period of the worst type of nation destroying, human murdering machine agenda, gone on steroids within this new Ukraine episode. RT is not our problem! But the deceptive dis/misinformation about RT is coming from the people who have been. And they come from both sides of the US political arena and other western nations who use the their own foot soldiers within the MSMs. When these 4 arenas share a common goal, be afraid! Very afraid!

With that said. Recently reported, that glorified president of Ukraine has voiced the ultimate outlook of the western manufactured war. That it is inevitable that US men and women will be sent to Ukraine to fight NATO's war. Weapons and money are no longer enough. They now want the blood of our children. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. That seed is no longer a prediction. It has now been earthed and watered. It will not be like Iraq and Afghanistan when our people realized they were fighting an unjust war. Over their they'll be fighting among Nazi fascist who will not hesitate to eliminate them when they realize the truth of what's going on there. Records of crimes have been kept for over 8 years now that are being suppressed from the world citizenship. And when our families are sent their and find themselves in the middle of them, a whole other well of complications so deep will make their return home vastly more destructive and disturbing than those who have been coming home for the past 20 years. Or shot in the back and left on the field of battle like trash.

I highly suggest you up your education on the reality of Ukraine and help prevent this from happening!

Donbass: That’s Why I’m Here---Foreign journalists risk lives and careers for revelatory Donbass reports

In 2014, Vittorio-Nicola Rangeroni, a journalist from Italy, was visiting Kiev. He wanted to explore the ancient city sights, but witnessed a coup d'état instead. Surprisingly, the way Italian media described the unfolding events had nothing in common with what Vittorio had seen in Ukraine. The brutal suppression of dissent, the murder of Donbass civilians by their own government — Western media reported none of this. That is why in 2015 Vittorio went to Lugansk and became a war correspondent himself. The journalist believes people in the West should have an opportunity to learn the true story behind this conflict. Vittorio is not the only one — journalists from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Finland go to the most dangerous zones of Donbass every day. They collect locals’ stories and videos to withstand powerful propaganda in their home countries. What motivates them to risk their lives reporting from the cities shelled by the Ukrainian army?


Ukrainian agony - The concealed war

Since mid-July 2014, our war correspondent team is still on site in the southeast of Ukraine – in the Donbass. We shot countless videos and scored over a thousand photos. The team of “Keep a close eye on by Mark Bartalmai” was the ONLY western and German team of journalists with the highest level of accreditation and therefore had access to many critical points in this civil war. Our materials are now being used in a documentary.

We made this documentary film from over 3 terabytes video that were filmed in several months on site.

It shows the different areas of the war in recounting episodes and individual stories – of civilians, soldiers and journalists. The focus is on the personal perspectives of each of the actors, supported by the recorded material, during and after the bombing of cities, battles and on people’s lives under war conditions in the middle of Europe.

The documentary is not an action movie. Rather, it lives from spoken word, by the voices of the people of the interviews and their impressions. Accompanied with sequences of events it draws a picture of the personal feelings of the participants – whether civilians, soldiers and journalists.

“Ukrainian Agony” is a silent film about the immense volume and violence of war. The propaganda has reached a new level of “quality”. Disinformation, concealment, half-truths up to outright lies are the “weapons” of certain Western media in this war – in an unprecedented degree.

William_Mary 8 Mar 4
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