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'With Bandera into the future'

In case you missed it, here is part one of this series on Banderite “memory warriors,” which expands on an article I wrote for the left-wing German newspaper junge Welt.

In the summer of 1999, several youth organizations in western Ukraine held a special camp dedicated to the memory of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera (1909-59) and the fascistic “Banderite” movement that he led. Participants wore shirts that said, “With Bandera into the future,” and met commanders of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the 1940s paramilitary arm of OUN-B that was spearheaded by Nazi collaborators from the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police that largely carried out the “Holocaust by Bullets” in western Ukraine.

Volodymyr Viatrovych, 22, the future “memory czar” of post-Maidan Ukraine, was the camp commander. Two years later he married Yaryna Yasynevych, who is sitting next to him in the above group photo. Standing in the back is their close friend Andriy Kohut, 19. These young Banderites became leaders of the Center for Research of the Liberation Movement, or TsDVR (Tsentr doslídzhen’ výzvol’noho rúkhu), which the OUN-B established three years later. As readers of part one already learned, after another decade, they became coordinators of the “Civic Sector of Maidan,” which established the Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR) Coalition in early 2014.

Taras Rondzistyj, also seen above, appears to have already been an important member of OUN-B in Ukraine—but more about him later. Yuriy Yuzych, a Banderite leader of the Plast scouting organization in Ukraine, which more or less rivaled the Ukrainian Youth Association during the Cold War, is seen on the far-right of the group photo. In this case, “Banderite” doesn’t necessarily mean OUN-B member. He did however write a book on the “Plastovyy Character of Stepan Bandera,” and designed the shirts that said “with Bandera into the future.”


Outside of the video documentaries from RT, Moss Robeson, who writes these articles under his banner Bandera Lobby Blog, is the most informative source I've found in regards to the history of Ukraine and the Nazi structure of. George Eliason being a close second. Unfortunately, the articles of his seemingly went the same route the RT videos went. I spent a lot of time posting those documentaries and articles since Feb 24th 2022 as Russia invaded Ukraine. Primarily the Donbass regions. The debate on the advance of Kiev is still open too debate, being there isn't any real acknowledgment to why it stalled and went into reverse. There are at least 4 reasons of conjecture I can throw out that any one or all could be why. About all Putin has said is that he didn't want to create a lot of civilian casualties.

Anyways. The RT videos didn't get much traction when I was posting them, only the few who were free thinkers and brave enough to challenge what the MSMs were falsely spewing took time to view them. A majority of people simply spewed useless rhetoric about Russia propaganda, ignorantly unaware that there was a significant amount of western investigative journalism and Ukrainian footage (both on the war front--and people of) that went into their production development. You know who you are, and I know some of you of the you have had to have come to terms by now of eating crow. I hope some have learned their lessons now about our MSMs collaborate compliances to western governments agendas. Stop allowing yourselves to be Iraqed in the future!

Anyways. Did I already say anyway 🙂 Moss Robeson's Bandera Lobby Blog is the ability for those who might want to educate themselves to the history of Ukraine Nazism, fascism, nationalism. It's relationship abroad from WWll to today. Within his writings you can find the workings of a vast structured systemic crime organization that is effecting basically every aspect of our societies. The governments, politicians, NGOs, think tanks, high ranking member VIP and low level, funding support, etc. The depth of it is profoundly frightening.

This is his latest article in which you can link to previous articles once your interest is tweaked if you haven't read any of his past articles I posted. We have an election coming up that's making the news a lot recently. I want you to take to mind as you go into this that our current president while under the Obama administration primarily organized what happen in Ukraine illegally and criminally in 2014. What the world society is suffering today due to it, especially Europe and Africa. 113 billion of our tax dollars put into it. Currently people within his administration funding and supporting many of the elements Robeson writes about in his articles. Next to him will seemingly be the Trump card who used these type of people to incite violent atmospheres on multiple levels. Who had the chance to end that crime wave but didn't. On multiple levels he voiced challenging the status quo, swamp, but only added a manipulative sense of confusion to mask over it. He was the politician he claimed he would bring an end too.

William_Mary 8 Aug 19
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