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"Capitalism vs Blahblah-ism" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at the Wind"

*"Debt Ceiling Bullsht" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at the Wind" #2**

The "Activist Industrial Complex" | Culture in Decline's "Yelling at the Wind"

I'll personally be disappointed if you don't recognize the resemblance of this video which is highly related to the my occasional statements of activist groups. It will however be more of a reflection of yourself rather than me. Which I hope those who have missed my points will apply a deeper thought process to how he exposes basically the same end game.

For those outside of my group, I'll be pinning this post, with another one, to the top of the group so you have a chance to observe it periodically knowing it has somewhat lengthly.


William_Mary 8 Mar 31
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I'm for capitalist, just not ism or over reach corpcorporatism like these tycoons.

Well, capitalism should serve the same function in society that socialism should serve. Each have a role to play in society. Each basically serve as the two most primary aspects of society. At least they should. If you correctly understand each. Which is where the problem is. Without this two tier construct, which is a mixture of each in all societies globally by measured various degrees, you would basically have a free for all survival of the fittest arena worldwide. Beginning of humanity that never changed where it became obvious that some sort of governance would be needed.

Within the top video on capitalism vs blahblah-ism, which he then reverts to socialism at the beginning, he basically argues that socialism, those who claim to be democratic socialist, and the system correlated to them, are as much a failed concept as capitalism. Correctly noting that globally we find, as I stated above, unstable senses of such that lead to a perception of failure, in his opinion. Which he stated was as much problematic as capitalism.

However, as we go deeper into his video, his developed opinion on the matter highly mirrors the work of Marx, even mentioning the means of production as an introduction of sorts. I find this to contradict his previous remarks on democratic socialism?

Most people don't have a clue on the various types of socialism, or even the 3 basic types of socialism each are all derived from on various degrees, in which the term communism is often correlated to 2 of the 3 types. When the most intellectual scholars refer to democratic socialism, it's more often geared towards the work of Marx where his views on the means of production lead to workers democratic rights in the workforce, then filtering down throughout society in regards economic and resources. Only when you understand and can separate these constructs are you able to then weigh them into capitalism. Because capitalism on the other tier is also confronted by multiple variations.

Canada, the US, and Europe all have their own variations of mixed societies where social programs which are paid for by tax payers which is mixed with the capitalist market system. Europe also has a couple countries who when Bernie Sanders is brought into the discussion are referred to as of being democratic socialistic due to his claim of being such. Which quite frankly is ludicrous because they're basically just another level of a capitalistic nature. With just slightly more social measures within.

I argue that there are relatively only 2 countries that are essentially democratically socialistic structured. Which are Cuba and Venezuela. Where the primary goal for these countries is to use their resources to benefit their societies. The struggles they endure with outside interferences however have been heavy handed in preventing them from fully achieving their intent for their societies. Both have modeled their socialistic development from the works of Marx for the most and better parts. If these 2 countries were left alone to fully implicate their intended goals without sanctions, had the ability of open trade, they would become beacons towards exposing the failure of the dominating capitalist rule over our societal structures. And, with that said, it has long been a problem with all Latin American countries for at least a century where each has had the heavy hands of capitalist nations orchestrate overthrows of their governments to prevent these regions from setting an example for the rest of the world in which atrocities we see globally on a regular basis have held them back.

Which is one of the reasons I argue that the US has never been anything other than an extension of the British fascism that has been delivered throughout centuries in Europe. Spread out into Africa and the multiple attempts to conquer Russia and those far east regions. If Latin America had one nation that was as strong and incapable of being dominated to the measure of Russia, I know we'd be looking at a completely different scenario around us. China and Russia may be the only thing keeping our world from full blown fascism taking over on this planet.

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