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“When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact that modern man suffers from a kind of ‘poverty of the spirit,’ which stands in glaring contrast to his scientific and technological abundance.”— Martin Luther King Jr.

All of those fundamental capacities that we as a species need in order to survive, we've defined by our economic system is worthless. Now, is there another way? Of course there is. The question is, can we overcome the force of this system before it kills us. Because that is exactly what it is going to do in the end.

Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza's waterfront through forced displacement, but, if history is any judge, Palestinians will remain.

I don't quite share the brutal optimism that Vijay Prashad has. The region has now been successfully obliterated to a point of seemingly no return. With basically no means for the Palestinians to rebuild on their own accord. With the genocide still ongoing. His article however delivers a time line of at least the past 75 years of the genocide campaign that has actually been going on since even earlier of the 20th century.

I'm placing the article ahead of an Abby Martin discussion with ex Biden official, Tark Kash, the second of officials to resign, over the administrations role in the Gaza genocide. I've spoken a few times of the time line narrative in Prashad's article, the multiple forced replacements of Palestinians over decades while losing everything, in which Kash will provide his own families inhumane treatment over decades within that time line.


Legendary filmmaker, author and activist Peter Joseph joins Abby to discuss the Gaza genocide, and debunk liberal Zionism through the lens of Bill Maher.

A timely discussion that I'll also pin to the top of the board so people can come back to view as they can with the other one I pinned earlier. If you're unaware of my group in the other places I share my post, you can add the group from the following link ---- []

William_Mary 8 Mar 31
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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