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The Teacher Strikes...[]

Krish55 8 May 9
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That article gives hope. It makes me angry too. Obama was a highly sophisticated con trick like the rest. Unions in Europe are changing too. They've also been like American unions in that they've been sucking up to employers and betraying their members for far too long. But things are changing.

I like the beginning of this article when it uses the term 'capitalist cruelty' - it calls it out for what it is. It also makes me chuckle when 'our' politicians, who supposedly work for us create laws that make strikes 'illegal'. It's word play. Withholding one's labour is a human right. It can never be illegal.



kmdskit3 Level 8 May 10, 2018

Somebody has to do it, and most of the rest of us would get fired for so much as talking about unions or strikes. But every victory for them is a tiny victory for us! ?

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