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The Fourth International established by Trotsky in 1938 is still keeping the banner unfurled and the fire lighting for socialism. []

Ian-Duggan 7 May 10
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That's a Trotsky thing... Whereby Trotsky advised a nation which was about to be invaded, to embrace the soon arriving fascist soldiers simply because the soldiers were working class too.

This is I'm not a fan of Trotsky.

Trotsky gave the most eloquent critique's of fascism and gave out about the German communists and socialists allowing the Nazi's coming to power without a single shot fired, you are sadly misinformed.


I have no time for Trotskyism. Every example I see of it is destructive. It never builds anything.

There are never ending calls for general strikes and a naive assumption that the working class around the whole are politically literate just waiting for the right moment.

This is why the CIA pushed Trotskyism, because it's an ideology, not a credible threat. It actually damages the struggle.

@Ellatynemouth the CIA have never pushed Trotskyism they may well have pushed the petit bourgeois pseudo left which say they're in the trotskyist tradition but all they do is sully his good name. BTW trotskyist insist that the consciousness of the working class must be raised and the only successful socialist revolution was trotskyist.

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