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What are the mask requirements in your gym?
At my gym I"m one of the few that keep my mask on went I"m there.

Unity 8 Apr 11
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Masks required

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 12, 2021

There's a gym at my apartment complex. I have not gone in to use it yet, but I am pretty sure masks are required because they are when you go into the office or anything else.
There is also a gym where I work, but everyone is still working from home except for the mail room staff.


Not ready for the gym until the pandemic is handled, I’d prefer to not get infected this close to vaccination.


What's a gym?


Enter without at your own risk!!!

This pandemic will not end until it mutates into a non lethal form!!!

You do need a certain amount of virus in your system to be come infected!!!

No one knows what amount that is for everyone!!!


I teach aerobic classes for the elderly at one of the local YMCA's and we have to wear a mask when we walk in the building. We can take it off once we're exercising. My classes are getting larger now that Texas has reopened but most of my participants have been vaccinated and I finally received my second vaccination. We still maintain six feet distance and disinfect the equipment we use.


I think we’re still required to wear masks indoors, but not 100% as they reopen tomorrow with pools, where we surely won’t wear them.
Exercise classes have been cancelled. I’d want to wear one inside, where I can, until a few weeks after my second jab at least.
Stay safe, keep it on as long as you can breathe ok I reckon, unless you’re a long way from the herd 😉

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