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Is there a positive role for big corporations to play in regards to effectively encouraging some of the sociopolitical changes so many of us would like to see?

As the month of Pride celebration comes to an end, I couldn't help but notice that there were a TON more commercials on television this month concerning Pride than in years past. Most were from large corporate retail or service entities, and they weren't just flying a rainbow flag. They put the message of love and acceptance out there in some pretty excellent ways. Yes, I understand that is the essential aim of successful advertising, but I can't help but think, not only the obvious- that this is a really good thing, but that perhaps if more inclusive messages were being broadcast to the masses on a regular basis, it might result in reaching some of those who are stuck at home behind a screen and receiving very limited and narrow minded messages from their small window to the world otherwise.

I realize that big corporate entities are a significant part of the institutional level issues our country is facing, but also think we're kinda stuck with them for the immediate moment, why not use them in what ways we can to encourage positive change for the people on the ground keeping their businesses running?

Thoughts on other ways we can encourage more meaningful use of those blood sucking bastards welcome.

Amzungu 8 June 30
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Big corporations can, and occasionally do, play such a positive role, but I think they are unreliable partners in social change. There is little accountability; their primary focus is on profit; and their hierarchical structure means that even progressive leadership can disappear in an instant with a change of a few people at the top. I certainly welcome their support when it’s there, but that’s not a foundation I’d build on.

The-Krzyz Level 8 July 2, 2020

I agree. They are not a reliable tool, but perhaps one that we could utilize a bit more productively than the current status quo. Increased transparency and accountability would be a solid start.

@Amzungu I’m certainly open to using any helpful tool, and try to be realistic about both its potential and its limitations relative to the task at hand. I can certainly work with corporations as allies, but question the depth of their commitment and just can’t trust them as leaders. Are “marriages of convenience” the ones that last, especially when the hard work begins?

@The-Krzyz Excellent assessment. Any tool we can add to the box is a good thing, but being realistic and pragmatic is essential. The biggest benefit I see here, even if built predominantly on a marketing platform aimed at increasing sales and profits, is the ability to provide a higher saturation level for the message of equality and inclusion and potentially reach some of those who aren't getting that message at home or within their small window of reference.


Support the Move to Amend people. They propose to amend the Constitution to read that corporations do not have the rights that natural persons have. See Wikipedia for info.

Their proposal is now HJ Res. (House Joint Resolution) 48.

yvilletom Level 8 July 2, 2020

Agreed! Extending the rights of a person/citizen to corporate entities has caused endless mischief.

I couldn't agree more on that end. Corporate rights have gone wayyy beyond what is reasonable or needed for any potential accountability. That needs to change.


There are clearly some large corporations who are exercising a more responsible attitude towards social cohesion and using their advertising reach to promote better attitudes towards diversity in society, This is more likely driven by seeng an opportunity to increase market share than any real commitment to change society for the better, but it should still be regarded as beneficial and encouraged.


They have plenty of resources... Maybe they could start some social awareness programs...



bobwjr Level 10 June 30, 2020
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