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LINK HAS SCIENCE BECOME A RELIGION? - Abdurraheem Green - LDM Show - YouTube

Has science become a religion ?

Affrives 2 Dec 18
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It may well be, I usually get the urge to genuflect when walking past MIT

Canndue Level 8 Dec 22, 2020

It is all human mockery!!!

Nothing more!!!

Simplistic jargon for the masses all 7.87 billion of them and and us!!!


If you're not religious turn to science, if you are religious then turn to science.
Science rocks, it's our best understanding of how the universe works and it's the basis of our technologies.
If you disagree then please point out a technology that's religion based.
I'll wait.

Superstition works so well, don't ya know!!!

@racocn8 so do SWAGs but at a much higher percentage

@Canndue What are SWAG's? (If not curtain or stolen goods?)

@racocn8 a SWAG = Scientific Wild Ass Guess
I believe it’s a military term


What complete nonsense...opinions are not facts. Science is not a religion.... the word science is derived from the Latin scientia which means knowledge. Science is factual knowledge through the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. A belief in science is a belief in observable facts. Religion on the other hand is a belief in the unknowable and the unobservable and relies entirely on blind faith without a shred of evidence. I could go even further and suggest that science and religion are the antithesis of each other because one is rational and the other completely irrational.

Are religious people happier? Not as far as my observation tells me...but as that is entirely an unscientific reckoning, I’ll not insist I know that to be the case...unlike the two gentlemen the video who use mere opinions as though they were verifiable facts.


Religion makes you happy? Tell that to those religion shuns, or abuses, or lies to. The lies religion tells are so ugly, and then the happiness comes from the cognitive dissonance??!!! Then he says the incarnation of Jesus is irrational. I agree, but it's totally the pot calling hypocrisy. These fools don't have a clue about what they're saying. That's the problem with religion is that it encourages IGNORANCE. That's where the stupidity thing comes in.

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

@Affrives So

#1; Both of the video participants are of the Muslim faith. So of course they're going to try to minimize/trivialize science.....but they - you - can't.

#2. Science is not a body of knowledge - it's a learning strategy. If you practice fact-based information you're being scientific. If you're expressing faith in unproven doctrine - you're being religious - the opposite of being scientific. Science is not dependent on blind obedience....religion is.

#3.The best scientists are always open to change. They welcome being proven wrong. The best religious are locked in to the words and sayings of their originators, their "prophets. They try to apply their ancient wisdom to modern life....and they are failing.

#4. Science is a process of evaluating and analyzing data. Religion if a process of accepting doctrine.

I won't bother continuing to expound upon the absurdity of your video...just let me share these memes; I know you fear them...but please consider them.

Welcome to

Do bring your religious arguments....we here at welcome the curious and the fence sitter. You wil learn the truth, and the facts.

You will analyze will be scientific...or you won't - you will hold on to your religion.

السلام عليكم

Robecology Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

. . . islamic propaganda, from an 'interloper' ?



Watch it and comment

Affrives Level 2 Dec 18, 2020

The title tells me it will be a waste of time.

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