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Good morning M. I'm going to 'brag' again- although yesterday, with exhaustion, I said I would never. A consideration: it takes so long to get fit, and what seems to be seconds to get unfit. I hope my 'revelation' may inspire people to set goals- then reach them. I am not running anymore, although I could if I set my mind to it. I said I would do a 2 hour fast walk. Well, I did it. Such a puny effort is nothng, but to achieve goals, it takes effort. It beats sitting in the pub, and after the 'tenth' pint saying, "After the next pint, I am going to run 20 miles." Ya, ya sure!! In reality, action is more important than talk.

Diogenes 8 Apr 25
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Action is more important than talk.

If I person wants to get to a point, they have to use every means possible, even psychological: example: "I 'may' lose 5 pounds in the next year- but I won't tell anyone." The word "may" shows no resolve, and not telling anyone means that a person can change their mind at anytime and no one will know. If nasty "bragging" works, use it, to a very limited degree.The consequences are that a person has made a fool of themselves if he/she has become indolent.

Yep, and you look gorgeous!


M, are you shaken?

No, not shaken...just a little bit stirred!


W here M, is D on a mission?


I only live one's
Four two it seems
Is eight out for lunch
Too three's is obscene

Facts drift through my ears
Wholly seven's blame
When five tens appear
It's six nines je t'aime

My love is in danger
Some reckon it's gone
I think it is stranger
When the danger is on

This scream is for you
Pay Edvard Munch
Make one dream come true
You only live one's

My love is in danger
Some reckon it's gone
I think it is stranger
When the danger is on

This scream is for you
Pay Edvard Munch
Make one dream come true
You only live one's

Nice of the handful of better Bond themes! Is D on a mission you ask? No..not the sort I think you mean. I think he finds me a good listener with a sympathetic ear, which I’m happy to lend him from time to time.


Yes...but talk is easy, effort and resolve are hard. Nice to know that you had the resolve to do the 2hour fast walk and carry it congratulations from me!

Another point, other than physical activity, some children and youths are taught to think. In my case, it was the very opposite, 'thinking was punishable'.In adulthood that negative start was a most excellent lesson, one that some people never see, but in old age it is a matter of always trying to catch up.Fortunitely Nature blessed me, with curiosity, and a need to know.

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