4 9

Right now everything is in lockdown: fitness, a social club I belong to, hiking club- so I am living, and starting to act, like some weird hermit. But there is more to life than just chatting on Agnostic. I am thankful for the body Nature 'enabled' me with- and I try to treat it with respect. There is a long trail near here and I am starting to meet people. Yesterday, I did only an hour, a few miles at a fast pace. Blood pressure was: sys 128, dia 072, pulse 093. Without heart health, the brain stops- and the talking that goes with it.

Diogenes 8 June 3
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Enjoy being online again!

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Glad you're so active; you're inspiring this 75 year old to get up and get going!

Robecology Level 9 June 5, 2021

We can inspire each other. Now that I am 110 years old, I don't want to look like some of the 55-year-olds from around here..

@Diogenes Your age, again? It's either 83 or110...

@Robecology About the same thing. And some days it could be either!😒😁


So few understand the critical importance of movement. I think, for some, when they die their coffin should be couch shaped!

JackPedigo Level 9 June 3, 2021

Maybe mine too. One hour on flat terraine is nothing. Gotta get out with the club again. Quite a few years back there was a hike over steep, rough paths, about 2.5 hours out and 2.5 hours back. And it was a hot day. I am a geezer----- but I don't like the 'cellebration'.

I usually park my car far away from any door. I wouldn't want to be standing in front of the door of an "all you can eat" restaurant when it opens. I magine getting trampled by a herd of those 300---- or more, pounders😜😒

@Diogenes It all starts with small movements. I often park a distance from stores. When I go off island I spend a long time sitting so I need every chance I can get to move. On island the store is just a mile away and I often bike or walk. For the months of Feb., March and April I got in 200 miles. It was hard.

@JackPedigo Yep, way to go. Now that I am a geezer, I tend to wimp out a lot---- to my own disgust.


I must try and take a leaf out of your book...less Agnostics and more athletics is what I need!

Sounds excellent! You need to take care of yourself. So if you can take 3 or 4 months off (& give me a chance to catch up to you on Points!) that would be just fine! LOL
(Just kidding! You do need to do what's best for your health, but we would all miss you here & your contributions. I'm sure you'll find the right balance.)

@phxbillcee The rate you’re going at you’re bound to catch up & overtake me before I get to the holy grail! 😁😅

@Marionville No way, unless you did take an extended vacation. You do steady content in a number of Groups, a few of them yours, & interact on a number of others. I think you've got a good 100K on me, you'll have reached "nirvana" well before I do...which is fine by me! You Post quality Content & you're lovely to interact with, so I have no problems at all. Heck, it's not that big a thing, really, I'd be doing what I'm doing with no Points involved.

@phxbillcee Me too rewards or points necessary.

I am sure- that you are quite able to do what is most important first in your day.


Glad you are able to get out and walk! Well done, taking care of your heart health. Soon your neighbors will be vaccinated and the lockdown will be lifted.

KateOahu Level 8 June 3, 2021
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