2 5

A probable possibility, but when the news is a welcome wish, is it all true news? "The Russians are employing helicopters to capture so many Russian deserters." Young Russian men do not want to die either, for this unjust war!

Diogenes 8 Sep 10
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Remove there president by any means nesessary and in theory the war should come to an end.

freedom41 Level 9 Sep 10, 2022

"there president"- stupid, please explain!

@Diogenes remove Putin by whatever title he goes by.

@freedom41 Okay! Apologies! I thought you were talking about the Ukrainians.


It's a complicated issue.

When I saw that over 50 thousand Russian youth had died so far in Putin's war, I did research....and found that the count varied widely - from a few thousand to well over 50 thousand.

"The truth lies somewhere between 1,351 and 43,000 Russians killed in Ukraine"


The war-time counts are of course going to be inaccurate.

But let's hope that the "President' of Russia wakes up and ends this soon.

BTW; his vainglorious tag on twitter is @KremlinRussia_E if you care to send him a message

Robecology Level 9 Sep 10, 2022

There is not a large number of places where a person can get information, at least close to events that actually happened.

During the Cold War, the west portrayed all Russian women as vulgar, fat beasts, with a big wart on their nose- and profoundly stupid. Give that one, a VERY big rest!!!! Shit, how moronic!!!


You said " Give that one, a VERY big rest!!!!"....

I had a Russian/Ukranian Grandfather.

And grandma Lily was a beauty.

YOu're not talking to me, are you?

Yes, my point too- a vast difference between hundreds killed and tens of thousands killed.

@Robecology Nope! MOST Russian women are beautiful. I was talking about what the Cold War Hollywood movie industry portrayed them as.

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