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Let's discuss the word EVIL

I don't like the word. For one because of its religious angle. Another is I've always felt like there is good somewhere in everyone. A person is never bad in a way that they can't become good again. Yeah, I know, I was stupid as fuck (still am, not as much).

That is until the day a narcissist walked into my life and I subsequently went through 17 years of being with a person whom I can only describe as evil. Keep in mind there is no treatment or cure for narcissism. It's a bad that can't/won't change to good. Is that evil? In my mind and experience the shoe fits.

If not, what word do you use in place of evil?

FvckY0u 8 Apr 3
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Just as you didn't choose to have brown eyes, this person didn't choose to be a narcissist. When you consider that some trauma in this person's childhood triggered narcissism as a survival technique, we can have room for compassion...... well if we don't live with them.

"There but by the grace of god go........." ah....ooops


Against the grain?


Evil is an adjective…not a noun, although it is used incorrectly as a noun. You lived with an evil person…one who acted badly, for that I sympathise as it must be hell living with a narcissist. As far as using evil as a noun…as evil being an entity in itself, an actual “thing”…no I don’t believe that there is such a thing. There are only people whose actions can be described as such.

I remember an advert for a horror film "Evil stalked the streets that night". I could not get the image of stunt rider Evel Knievel dressed as Freddie Krueger out of my mind. I would never use the word just as I would never use the word "sin". Mainly because of the relgious connection and there are plenty of more suitable descriptive words.


I have known at least 4 people who were either sociopaths or psychopaths, and a few more l wouldn't be surprised if they were one or the other. None of them had one redeemable quality. I believe evil perfectly describe these people. I believe Trump to be the same, not one thing in his life has shown he has one decent human quality. Trump's problem is he is not smart enough to fake decent qualities.The smart ones can fake empathy and other decent human qualities. Because of this ability, most people don't know there are more of both of these types of people than most people could imagine, many more.

Sticks48 Level 9 Apr 4, 2023

And yet half of Americans, usually religious ones, worship at the Trump alter like he's the second coming. It's a headscratcher

@MsDemeanour lt is amazing! Those who say they like him because he hates the same people they hate seems to be the only plausible reason for many if not most of them.

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