Saturday, March 14, 2020
I AM a - Being of Energy - manifesting -
that which is - One {Self Soul Spirit Being} -
in as thru - a Body of - matter mass liquid & gas -
being a Person thru a - temporal & tellurian Life form -
I AM a Soul of Love - manifesting One Self thru a - form of Life -
I AM a Spirit of Life - being a - Person thru a mortal - Life form -
I AM a Being of Energy - expressing - in as thru a - human body -
I AM an Eternal Being - Divinely being - Who & What - I AM -
GOD = LOVE = ENERGY = LIFE = U & I being ONE -
{Soul - Self - Spirit - Being} - of - {Love as Energy in Life} -
being a Person thru a mortal physical biologic - form of Life -
expressing Ones Self thru a - body of matter mass liquid & gas -
Recognize & Realize - that which - composes & comprises -
the Being that U R as an Eternal Spirit - Divinely being a human -
mortal Life form expressing the - Will & Intent - Desires & Choices -
of Ones - Body Mind Spirit - and in so doing - manifesting Ones Self -
R U - a {Soul Spirit Self Being} of {Love as Energy in Life} -
or is it - that U R - just another - human - seeking to survive -
in a relative realm of - Now & then - Good & bad - Life & death -
Realize - that - U R - much more than -
a body of - matter - mass - liquid & gas -
dwelling for a - very brief - period of time -
occupying & inhabiting a - portion of space -
Realize that - LIFE is GOD - as - LOVE thru ENERGY -
Personifying - One Self - dwelling in a - relative realm of -
Life & death - Right & wrong - Now & then - being - U & I -
U R & I AM - being a - Person - thru a - human animal - Life form -
I AM & U R -being One - Self - thru a - sublunary - human body -
We R - physical - biologic - temporal & corporeal - forms of Life -
Know & Realize - Be Aware of & Awaken unto - Acknowledge -
that which - U R - as a - Spirit being a human - thru a body -
of matter mass liquid & gas - being One Self - as a Person -
We R - physical - biologic - temporal & corporeal - homo sapiens -
We R - Spirits of Life - incarnate in a sublunary - body of matter -
We R - ONE - with that which is - All things being - EVERY thing -
We R a - Soul of Love - personifying its Essence thru a - form of Life -
We R a - Spirit of Life - being a Person - thru a - human - animal body -
We R a - Being of Energy - manifesting & expressing - AS - One - Self -
We R - Individuations of - GOD as LIFE - being an - expression there-of -
observe - percieve - elucidate - analyze & examine -
discern & ascertain - determine & decide - conclude -
that which is - True for U - and what feels - Right to U -
Namaste - that which is - Energy - being a - form of Life -
conceptualize & concieve of - contemplate & conclude -
accept & acknowledge - Awaken unto - Realize & Know -
that - U & I & - ALL that exists - is - GOD as ENERGY -
being - EVERY - form of Life - in as thru - ALL Life forms -
always remember & never forget thine - Essence -
as an - Eternal Being - Divinely being - a person -
thru a biologic mortal human animal - form of Life -
Love Often - in Life -
and U will - Be Happy -
Welcome KWAPELL,
I don't understand what you said but I whole hearted respect your freedom to say it.
I love freedom of speech and expression.
Just love it. Beautiful thing.
I was just wondering, what happens when you hit your funny bone?
I hate all forms of pain however temporary. And I notice I never feel more disconnected from light and energy and spirit then those two seconds immediately following hitting my funny bone.
How bout you?
it is similar to being hit by a taser - disrupting your electrical synapses - very disconcerting -
Ugh....when I read "God" I stopped reading.
@KWAPELL7 are you related to Dr. Bonner? His soap label is like your rant....
“Love often in life and you will be happy”..... that’s all that you needed to say!
Posted by EmmanuelRippinIf you're looking for a new game to dive into, ([playpokerogue.
Posted by johnnyrobishWell, somebody had to do it!
Posted by WalterGreensTo every one out there!
Posted by LenHazell53Well would you look at that, and who posted it
Posted by Mike-IMAOpinions base on facts and evidence can change the world.
Posted by ChrisAineWhere is everybody? Don't tell me y'all caught up with Xmas festivities. Anyway Merry Christmas free thinkers. May you get a kiss under the mistletoe..😊
Posted by ScribblerWhy is everyone leaving?
Posted by AryabratIsn't this the most logical and simplistic way to dismiss a fictitious superpower/hero? Or is there anymore way?
Posted by AvaBunWhat are your thoughts?
Posted by terenaskawsHow passionate are you in creating?
Posted by SpinlieselToday, in 1872, the last Indian war east of the Mississippi ended with the capture of Black Hawk.
Posted by SlarsAnother throw back from my orange years.. mad to think they essentially just paid us to play with big toys all day fun job...
Posted by AnabuceriasPhoto is worth 1000 words.
Posted by bobwjrThat's this group
Posted by TourirstMIA: Missing in Administration. I have posted this, twice and of course, it slides under the radar, understandably as Admin has left the building for good?
Posted by LorajayThis is a wonderful way to live as long as you take care of the necessities of providing for food and shelter first.