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The great Thomas Paine said this in his book Age of Reason

"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God"


totally makes sense eh!

AkEyHeAdAkE 5 Apr 19
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That’s what I’ve been missing in this Age of Quarantine: I need more “voluptuous debauchery!” 🤔

The-Krzyz Level 8 Apr 20, 2020

@AkEyHeAdAkE I’d like to think I could do it better, but Stormy has yet to return my calls ...


You're speaking 'my language' in quoting my avatar ... thank you! Did you know that Paine wrote the Age of Reason while in a French prison for refusing to agree to the execution of Louis XVI? Paine had come to France in support of the revolution and was welcomed with a seat in the National Convention. But he soon fell out of favor with the Jacobins (led by Robespierre) when he voted against the king being guillotined--a fate that Paine himself narrowly missed!

Sadly, when Paine made his way back to the fledgling United States, he was reviled for his open atheism, and even his old friend and ally Jefferson was reluctant to defend him. Even if they were de facto atheists, many of his Revolutionary former colleagues hid behind the label of “deism.” Instead of just claiming that god didn’t exist, they said that god was “whereabouts unknown.”

@The-Krzyz Yup, I have several biographies on this great progressive. It wasn't just the Age of Reason that engendered the public's wrath, but his open letter of criticism--indeed condemnation--to George Washington for behaving (as Paine saw it) cowardly by turning his back on his old Revolutionary friend, leaving him (Paine) to die in French prison.


The OT god was a tribal god and so many keep trying to piece both testaments together. It only works if you ignore things and cherry pick verses. The bible is as much hearsay as the writings of Nostradamus. Without dates you can make the verses say anything you want them to say.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 19, 2020

Yes, all those who go to church and pray are really praying to Satan probably.

Jolanta Level 9 Apr 19, 2020

Paine said a lot of great things, such as the bible has no authority because it's all hearsay, and one person's claim of revelation in no way imposes upon anyone else to believe it. And being a Deist who believed in a divine creator, but not divine revelation or religion, he said that God would not lie, but the clergy certainly does. I listened to the entire audiobook about a half year ago.

Rossy92 Level 8 Apr 19, 2020
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