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My passion fruit vine is happily growing and full of buds. I can see that showy purple flower from a distance.

Zoohome 8 Apr 28
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They sell those here and it always amazes me that people buy them, we are way too cold for them. Yours is beautiful!

Heidi68 Level 8 May 2, 2020

It is sad that the national chains sell the same plants to every center, regardless of planting zones. When I first moved to lake city FL, I bought two crotons and happily planted it. It was the end of it on the very first real cold night.
There are other plants that is sold and upsets me because it is putting them to eventually die from the weather. 😔


Beautiful plant. A form of clematis which we once had (supposedly eatable). Ours was short-lived though.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 28, 2020

Do you think because of the zone where you live?

@Zoohome Don't know. We are a temperate zone and many plants thrive here. I see this plant all over So maybe my thumb is not green enough. Believe it or not we have palm trees here and I had one in my Seattle home and there are several on this island.

@JackPedigo that is interesting about the palm trees. Which ones, do you know? Because there is one in particular (from south America) that has adapted to cooler climate. It is called Butia capitata, I think the common name is pindo palm.
I find it everywhere here in lake city.

@Zoohome It's called a windmill palm [] Here is a picture of the one I had in the Seattle home. Mine fruited. They are all over Seattle and a few here. Problem here is that when in the open the seasonal winds tear them apart. Most are in sheltered locations.


Inspiring! I have two tiny seedling sprouts just now. Fingers crossed.

I believe they will do fine. Passion fruit vine is strong and hardy

I have two different cultivars, if you want any holler.

@Zoohome hey, can they grow in heavy soil? My whole yard is mostly clay, so either I plant them straight in or create a soupbowl of amemded soil or I mound some good soil up. The latter is my likely plan. I am just wondering how much is necessary.

@MikeInBatonRouge passionfruit vine likes higher pH. Isn't clay on the low side?
Then I would follow your plan of superbowl soil.
Not sure if you would need that much of an area. Maybe someone else has a better idea

@Zoohome I don't know what is considered normal pH for clay, but mine is on the alkaline side. My mophead hydrangeas are my crude pH guage, and they are completely pink unless I add acidifier to the soil. My drainage is nonexistant, which is why most of my plantings are in raised beds, anywhere from 4 to 12 inches. Where I am thinking of planting the vines is slightly sloped and gets 7 hours of full sun, so I am not as worried about drainage IF passion vine doesn't object to having its roots in clay.

@MikeInBatonRouge Amend the soil with compost. They'll send up runners literally everywhere. That's my experience here in southeast Tennessee.

@MikeInBatonRouge about a 12 inch hole should be sufficient, as long as they have something to climb on, they will find the sun. They are native and once established require no maintenance other than an occational trim back to control them.

@AstralSmoke sounds like a plan! I have plenty of leaf mold compost and a bit of kitchen scrap comost.

@AstralSmoke, @glennlab thnx. I have a lot of oak trees casting shade, and my lot is oriented north, with 70ft oaks on my south rear property side. So the foot of my driveway, near the road, is my sunniest spot. It is where I planted a 30ft by 5ft butterfly garden of meadow flowers. I figured on a simple rebar pyramid for the vines to scramble up. Maybe 8 ft lengths.

@MikeInBatonRouge I let mine grow on a dogwood tree and then to the power lines. Mine didn't need tons of sun, but it's important to have something to climb on.


They are beautiful. I left mine behind when I sold my house.😢

That is what will happen to mine. 😔

I going to have to stop giving you two plants, it leads to moving.

@glennlab the ones you gave me were heavily budded when I left on the 24th of March. I’m sure if the new owners took care to water, they are beautiful now. Wish I could see them.😉

@Zoohome Keep a pod for future seeds. They're super easy to grow.

@Redheadedgammy After the first two weeks, I never watered mine in the last 12 years, the only maintenance I do is to trim the dead vines in the winter and trim it away from things i don't want it on.



freeofgod Level 8 Apr 28, 2020

Such a beautiful flower. We don't have them here so of course I am all the more drawn to them.

Isn't always like that? What we can't have is what attracts us. 😄


that's beautiful, mine have just started to come up

glennlab Level 10 Apr 28, 2020

It is funny, mine was naked for the longest after being eaten by the catterpillars. Then only the upper part of the vine had leaves. One day I look and the whole thing if full of leaves, like overnight thing. 🤗

@Zoohome the fritillaries keep it in check, but when it is ready to grow, it goes gangbusters, glad you got to see it bloom.

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