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Garden tour anyone?

I've had extra time to hang out in and work on the garden. The other day we had an awesome spring morning with great light and I took some photos out there.

The first one is taken in the side garden, looking past some pomegranite flowers, the purple flowers of Salvia 'Amistad', a large Mexican weeping bamboo and pincushion flower called 'Tango' to a flowering tree in the upper right corner called Wigandia. Below it is a secondary gate into the back garden.

The second is looking through the main gate from the end of the driveway into the back garden.

The third is looking over the blue fountain which is just inside the maingate to the left toward the northeast corner of the back garden.

The fourth is taken from near the raised bed you see in the second photo, looking in the same direction as the last one.

The fifth shows some hanging rat tail cactus in front of a large cloud forest daisy called Telanthophora grandifolia.

The last one shows the pond and some of the plants which surround it.

MarkWD 7 May 1
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Beautiful! I love it when a garden "comes together"....

Lavergne Level 8 May 8, 2020

Lovely garden! Spring is such a wonderful time of the year.😉


Really beautiful! Don't you just LOVE spring?

I do. Especially here with our summer dry climate. Right now everything has plenty of water, foliage is fresh and blooms are plentiful. What's not to like?

@MarkWD yep. Here, spring is all of March to early May. By the second half of May we are into consistently hot weather that keeps intensifying through Aug and early Sep. Fortunately June starts our pattern of mostly daily midday downpours, which prevents the soil from utterly baking and also dissipates the heat a bit.

@MikeInBatonRouge If it is anything like New Orleans your garden potential is still through the roof. I was there only once three years ago for a wedding with events that spanned a week. Stayed in the Garden District where we walked around admiring the front porches and gardens.

@MarkWD N.O. has us beat by miles for its Garden District and Uptown gardening heritage, but the climate is almost identical, which means motivated Baton Rouge gardeners can actually garden year round. I was thrilled when the black eyed Susans and Blanket Flowers I planted by seed last spring slowed a bit but never completely stopped blooming right on through the winter! And as for veggies, we have summer(hot weather) crops, like green beans, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and sweet corn, and winter crops(cool weather) crops, like peas and carrots and broccoli, onions and radishes. 🥰


I just love your garden. I'll tour any time you want.

RussRAB Level 8 May 2, 2020

What a fabulous arrangement of beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing.

Lorajay Level 9 May 1, 2020

Beautiful but, and I speak from experience, looks like a lot of work.

It is. Rarely do I begrudge the activity. I actually enjoy most of it. But when I have an event planned and want all of it up to snuff at the same time, that can be grueling.

Certainly I wouldn't want any more ground than I have. And the amount I can deal with even if I want to will inevitably go down

@MarkWD Two very close friends have built a large labyrinth over the years. They constantly expand the grounds and add features. We are now presently working on a solar powered system that will provide automatic water from a large pond to some storage tanks and then an irrigation system. He is a former Army engineer and never stops working and she is also very active and passionate. I and my late partner did a lot to help. Problem is I have a little over an acre much of which was made into gardens (3). Then there is the labyrinth and a nearby orchard. Not having a helper and helping others has drained my energy level. Seems every year there is more I have to let go. Motivation is great and when there are 2 it is often enough to accomplish a lot.

@JackPedigo That would be too much for me for sure. Seems like you just have to allow some ground to remain uncultivated, or at least I would.

At 12,000 feet I have just over a quarter acre and even with leaving lots of negative space, this is as much as I can handle for now. We're comfortable enough in retirement but I don't think I can hire anyone to help. My wife is an artist and keeps as busy in her studio as I do the garden. So I can't and don't expect her help. But it seems like most of her artist friends are as excited about their own gardens as for the work they are known for. Between my gardening friends and her artist friends we have a very full house and garden at our yearly garden/studio party, cancelled this year of course do the pandemic.

@JackPedigo speaking of labyrinths have you seen the one at the Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver? Saw it two years ago.

@MarkWD I do allow ground to remain uncultivated (but this often still has to be mowed). Problem is, weeds and invasives are taking over the parts of the garden we created and maintained for years. It's hard to see everything go to ruin but I must at times just look the other way.
There are innumerable ways people help each other. Sharing the housework can and does give each other time to do more personal meaningful work. As you, our house and garden always had people coming and many would help us work. My two close friends still help me out in ways I can not do alone.

@MarkWD Many people get labyrinth and maze confused. Attached is a picture of the labyrinth a few years after it was built. I'll add a few more recent pictures. We are still in early spring so things haven't reached their max and the weather is overcast. entrance sign with shape, entrance with drying house and side view of garden (note all nesting boxes I have built.

@JackPedigo that isn't small.

@MarkWD That is not my garden. It started out a 1 acre. Then a personal garden was added (the owners live in a wooded area with no chance for a personal garden). Later goats were added (one view has a pen which has been enlarged a lot). The drying shed was expanded to include several other buildings (mainly containers). The total property was 20 acres. The owners husband died and the couple/we have pitched in to help her maintain the property and she deeded 15 acres to the keepers of the labyrinth. This cuts her property tax and gives them title to the land. However, the total area is zoned agricultural and only one house (the owners) can be built they cannot develop the 15 acres outside of strictly ag work. During the season a lot of people pitch in to help. My orchard is about 1/3 acre next to the owners house (lower left of first picture below the long house)



skado Level 9 May 1, 2020
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