10 9

Might as well get an early start on that full body tan. 😀

Surfpirate 9 May 2
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This is a pic of me about 40 lbs ago....LOL I used to garden in the nude in my old back yard in the summer. No tan lines!!!


access_time 1:40 PM PDT on May 2, 2020 (GMT -7) | Updated 9 seconds ago
56° | 44°
54 F
LIKE 54°

Today's temperature is forecast to be MUCH COOLER than yesterday.


Not happening in Portland, OR, this year!


For your edumacation.


Wait, there is more. Check out the mangos on the third photo down here: []

MarkWD Level 7 May 2, 2020

The last time I posted photos for nakey gardening day a good friend left the terse reply "Pilates, stat!" I won't fall for that one again. (Though it did get me started taking Pilates at the Y.)

MarkWD Level 7 May 2, 2020

Has it been a year already?
I remember this conversation last time. 😂
And no, no naked gardening for me. Between all the bugs and sun... no thanks

Zoohome Level 8 May 2, 2020

I am one of those that burns within seconds, so there is not much I'd do naked outside in broad daylight. Besides, the whiteness of the skin is likely to blind innocent bystanders.

Perhaps we could just have a Toga Gardening Day?


I did most of my gardening yesterday, and I'm not doing anything outside naked.

Your neighbours are going to be so disappointed, they have been waiting all year for this day.

@Surfpirate Funny story. My male neighbor to the west met with the male neighbor to the east on the sidewalk at the end of my driveway. Neighbor to the west feels a need to adjust his clothing, so he turns away from the street to directly facing me. Little does he know I was on my laptop by the window when the did that.... He really had no reason to turn away from the street.... 😉

That is what I say

@HippieChick58 No reason, or just very, very little?

@MarkWD Nothing showed that I could see.


I've been out to check on the garden and lift the frames off the cold frames in my pjamas, that's as close as it is going to get. Everyone else can choose their own level of comfort. lol


Lol ok, better have a talk with the clouds to see if it is ok....

The NSA apparently has spy satellites that can read a license plate from space, serve them right if they spied on you in your garden.


sounds about right.... 😉

Lavergne Level 8 May 2, 2020

Not that I mind nudity. ...I'm just trying to imagine how to explain it to the cops who eould surely be called, here in Bible Belt country. Lol

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