5 8

The walls are now up on the 10' x 30' green house that I am building out of some leftover 25M rebar and some 6x6 GWG wire sheeting. I will leave it open until September as a barrier against the voracious, island deer and then cover it with double ply green house poly for the winter season. I am also contemplating using a new compost pile as a heat source to keep the green house warm through the winter by using some glycol lines and a solar powered circulating pump to move the heat from the decomposing compost into the greenhouse beds.

Surfpirate 9 May 3
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Great project, enjoy the winter greens.

Fernapple Level 9 May 4, 2020

An organic gardening friend has had aproblem with kangaroos raiding his beds. The nibbling of seedlings really decimating his production. One day he had inspiration and bought $10,000 of construction site wire safety fencing. He is rapturous. Within 6 weeks his crop was threefold.

It is well worth visiting hs fbuk page for his photos of what organically grown crops should look like.

That hoarding is galvanized and will probably out last your friend, expensive but durable.

The 25M rebar and the 6x6 GWG were already sunk costs in the build of our house so no out of pocket expense because they were overages from the build take off. Even the pressure treated lumber for the base was from the bed for the solar panels on our Ebike rental kiosk, zero out of pocket expenses.

@Surfpirate I expect that despite lockdown, the fences will pay for themselves in 12 months.
And yes you are corrct on longevity, Steve wants to retire in the next five years.His profession is chef.

@Surfpirate And impossible to buy second hand!

@FrayedBear I hear you, I have tried in over 30 years in construction management and they are as scarce as hens teeth to find them used and in decent condition.


I have long been a fan of Eliot Coleman's cold greenhouse growing techniques and aquaponics as well. The pond in the foreground will tie into a second pond for fish production along with an aquaponics garden.


Big undertaking. We built a kit greenhouse (23 X 76 X 12'-16'😉 two years ago. It is now a garden spot for several families. It can get really hot inside and if there is a winter sun the temp could be warm enough for some vegs.

Good luck with the deer. Some got into the area (one person actually them jumping a 6' fence and doing a roll when they landed. We had to raise the height and put some bright colored ribbons and cd's to get their attention. They can get desperate during the fall.

At a straight jump an 8' high fence is only a minor deterrent to our island deer. If you off set the obstacles for them to jump through it doesn't need to be that high and that is how I designed it, if any deer jump into the enclosure they will have a hard time jumping back out again, in that case I will trade my veggies for venison in the freezer. 😉

@Surfpirate There are many ways to deter deer. They don't like uneven footing so one can place stones or even wood on both sides of the fence. Also, one can build a shorter fence a short distance before the tall fence.
Here, with all the sheep, hog and cattle farms predators are not tolerated so the deer keep multiplying like humans.


That is quite a project! Hope it works well for you.😉

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